<p>Der <strong>Arcturus Emulator </strong>ist sicher einigen bekannt die zwischendurch auch mal einen Blick auf die internationale Scene werfen.<br>Er ist in der Programmiersprache Java geschrieben und wird seit 14.09.2014 stetig weiterentwickelt.<br>Ich versuche diesen Download stetig zu aktualisieren wenn eine neue Version heraus kommt oder ein neuer Bugfix auftaucht.</p>
<p><strong>PRODUCTION-201611291003-338511768 -> SWF Dateien im Download enthalten <img src="https://retrotown.ws/wcf/images/smilies/smiley45.png" class="smiley" alt="[carrot]" height="16"> </strong></p>
<p><strong>Fehlerreport:</strong> <a href="https://bitbucket.org/Wesley12312/ar…amp;status=open">https://bitbucket.org/Wesley12312/ar…amp;status=open</a><br><strong>Klassen Dokumentation:</strong> <a href="http://arcturus.wf/doc/">http://arcturus.wf/doc/</a></p>
<p><strong>Weitere interessante Links für den Emulator:</strong><br><a href="https://retrotown.ws/filebase/index…eator/#overview">[Arcturus] SQL Creator</a><br><a href="https://retrotown.ws/index.php/Thre…r-Hilfe-Thread/">Arcturus-Emulator-Hilfe-Thread</a></p>
<p>Um die Kamera zu aktivieren besuch die Seite <a href="http://arcturus.wf/">http://arcturus.wf/</a> und registriere dich.</p>
<p><strong>Dinge die noch nicht fertig sind:</strong><br></p>
<woltlab-spoiler data-label=""><p><br></p>
<li>Mod Tool (Grundfunktionen sind bereits vorhanden)</li>
<li>Effekt Inventar</li>
<li>Battle Banzai (Fliesen nicht 100% fertig)</li>
<li>Paar Bugs beheben</li>
<woltlab-spoiler data-label=""><p><br></p>
<li>Gute Performance</li>
<li>Wired's (Auslöser, Effekte, Bedingungen, Costom)</li>
<li>Limited Rares</li>
<li>Mod Tool</li>
<li>Spiele (Battle Banzai & Freeze)</li>
<li>Youtube TV's</li>
<li>Badge Generator</li>
<li>Eislaufen / Hasenjagd / Rollschuhlaufen</li>
<li>Plugin System</li>
<li><em>und vieles mehr ...</em></li>
</ul></woltlab-spoiler><p><br><strong>Changelog des Beitrages:</strong><br></p>
<li>29.05.2017 - Bild von neuem Wired hinzugefügt, 1 Feature entfernt, Changelog (Beitrag & Emulator) hinzugefügt.</li>
<li>07.06.2017 Version 1.8 sowie Changelog der Version hinzugefügt</li>
<li>11.06.2017 Weitere interessante Links hinzugefügt, Beitrag mithilfe von Spoilern übersichtlicher gemacht</li>
<li>20.06.2017 Hilfe Thread Link hinzugefügt</li>
<li>23.08.2017 Version 1.9 sowie Changelog der Version hinzugefügt</li>
24.09.2017 Vollständiger SWF Ordner wurde dem Download hinzugefügt </li>
<li>11.10.2017 Version 1.10 sowie Changelog der Version hinzugeügt</li>
<p><strong>Changelog des Emulators:</strong><br></p>
<ul><li><em>1.9.0 -> 1.10</em></li></ul>
<woltlab-spoiler><p><i><span style="color:#FF0000;">Please for this update make sure to replace your config.ini with the one in the download. Check basejump.url and basejump.assets.url to configure fastfood.</span><br></i></p>
<p>Added allowWiredResetState to prevent match state to update to invalid states. For example confetti state in gifts.</p>
<p>Added back the logger for HikariCP.</p>
<p>Added badges to room bundles.</p>
<p>Added block_camera_follow to the update user RCON command.</p>
<p>Added block_following to the update user RCON command.</p>
<p>Added block_friendrequests to the update user RCON command.</p>
<p>Added block_friendrequests to the update user RCON command.</p>
<p>Added block_roominvites to the update user RCON command.</p>
<p>Added changing ticket category in the moderating issue handler.</p>
<p>Added check to the pull command to prevent pulling to the room door.</p>
<p>Added check to the push command to prevent pushing to the room door.</p>
<p>Added check to the spull command to prevent spulling to the room door.</p>
<p>Added configuration for basejump connectivity.</p>
<p>Added debugging line to HabboInfo for non existing ranks.</p>
<p>Added default sanction to the moderating issue handler.</p>
<p>Added extra client side rank id so you can go over mulitple ranks without people having clientside the permissions enabled.</p>
<p>Added flagme command.</p>
<p>Added interaction effect_tile to give an effect when walked upon.</p>
<p>Added jukeboxes. 100% working including sync when reloading the room.</p>
<p>Added latest 3 namechanges to :userinfo command.</p>
<p>Added member management permissions in guilds for users with acc_guild_admin permission.</p>
<p>Added mute check on sending invites. When muted you can no longer send room invites.</p>
<p>Added mute check to making an CFH request.</p>
<p>Added name changing including a name change log (namechange_log table)</p>
<p>Added old_chat to the update user RCON command.</p>
<p>Added optional currency for marketplace. Defaults to credits.</p>
<p>Added optional JDBC url parameters from the config.ini</p>
<p>Added sticky pole interaction to allow people place stickies in your room (sticky_pole)</p>
<p>Added success message to command :setmax.</p>
<p>API: Added InventoryItemAddedEvent.</p>
<p>API: Added InventoryItemRemovedEvent.</p>
<p>API: Added InventoryItemsAddedEvent Removed unused crypto classes.</p>
<p>API: Added MarketPlaceItemCancelledEvent.</p>
<p>API: Added MarketPlaceItemOfferedEvent.</p>
<p>API: Added MarketPlaceItemSoldEvent.</p>
<p>API: Added SupportTicketEvent. Triggered whenever a new report is created and send to the moderators.</p>
<p>API: Renamed BotPickedUpEvent to BotPickUpEvent</p>
<p>RCON Added MuteUser</p>
<p>Changed emulator_settings key from inventory.max.items to hotel.inventory.max.items</p>
<p>RCON Give Points now inserts any missing currencies.</p>
<p>Improved roomcycle. Should give less issues when using the :reload, :unload or floorplan editor.</p>
<p>Fixed accepting membership requests by users having permission acc_guild_admin.</p>
<p>Fixed bug in RoomLayout getTilesInFront.</p>
<p>Fixed bug where users with acc_no_mute could get muted.</p>
<p>Fixed cameraclient logged in from somewhere else issue.</p>
<p>Fixed cancel trade button. Fixed trading disconnect issue.</p>
<p>Fixed changing badge by users having permission acc_guild_admin.</p>
<p>Fixed changing colors by users having permission acc_guild_admin.</p>
<p>Fixed changing the guild name and description by users having permission acc_guild_admin.</p>
<p>Fixed dancing when sitting. No longer keeps you in the dancing state.</p>
<p>Fixed declining membership requests by users having permission acc_guild_admin.</p>
<p>Fixed guild info not showing for other users in the room when purchased.</p>
<p>Fixed hall of fame not being reloaded properly.</p>
<p>Fixed interaction wired trigger repeater. Fixed interaction wired trigger repeater long.</p>
<p>Fixed issue where items being moved and state updated at the same time glitch out.</p>
<p>Fixed laying down and walking to the occupied tiles no longer makes you walk.</p>
<p>Fixed marketplace purchasing resulting in buying the most expensive item.</p>
<p>Fixed marketplace sorting by amount traded today. Fixed marketplace sorting by amount offered.</p>
<p>Fixed marketplace sorting by value.</p>
<p>Fixed muting going into the negative upon unmute.</p>
<p>Fixed order in mod tool room actions.</p>
<p>Fixed pets walking.</p>
<p>Fixed placing furniture with allow_sit = 1 from inventory under a user.</p>
<p>Fixed possible NoSuchElementException in RoomUnit Cycle Removed duplicate setOwner when loading inventory bots.</p>
<p>Fixed poster furniture in marketplace offers.</p>
<p>Fixed RCONServer outputting the response message instead of the body in the debug lines.</p>
<p>Fixed refilling daily respect points going to 3 for online users.</p>
<p>Fixed registration duration achievement. Thanks to @Jeanzinh0</p>
<p>Fixed reloading of the room when the floorplan is changed.</p>
<p>Fixed removing members by users having permission acc_guild_admin.</p>
<p>Fixed rollers allowing you to roll through a gate.</p>
<p>Fixed setting guild admins by users having permission acc_guild_admin.</p>
<p>Fixed staff chat.</p>
<p>Fixed stalk command not taking in account the doorbell / password protection.</p>
<p>Fixed standing on the same tile as another user.</p>
<p>Fixed tile not being walkable after clothing furniture being redeemed.</p>
<p>Fixed toggling wall items.</p>
<p>Fixed type on gamecenter package name (gamcenter -> gamecenter)</p>
<p>Fixed updating the user height and state when moving furniture from under a user.</p>
<p>Fixed updating the user height and state when removing furniture from under a user.</p>
<p>Fixed wired repeater and wired repeater long. Confirmed working.</p>
<p>Staff chat should now be working again.</p>
<p>Removed duplicated achievements in RequestRoomSettingsEvent.java</p>
<p>Removed roller stackability. Rollers can no longer be placed ontop of furniture.</p>
<p>Removed the 'manage' button for users with acc_guild_admin. Instead the join button shows after joining the guild can be managed.</p>
<p>Removed weird warping when two player paths overlap.</p>
<p>Updated catalog pages to set the minimum rank to the parent page if the minimum rank is lower than the parent page minimum rank.</p>
<p>Updated changing rank to save changes directly in the database.</p>
<p>Updated coords command to include tile walkable state.</p>
<p>Updated credits command to send credits to offline users.</p>
<p>Updated gift command to work with offline users too.</p>
<p>Updated giverank command to also reload the catalog.</p>
<p>Updated moderation tools to include reporting of private chat message.</p>
<p>Updated navigator to remember the list mode for different categories including the public view and favorite view.</p>
<p>Updated Netty version.</p>
<p>Updated one way gates animations.</p>
<p>Updated pathfinder to stop calculating the path if it takes too long.</p>
<p>Updated picking up an item not refreshing your whole inventory anymore. Fixed RCON give points not saving.</p>
<p>Updated room trading to give less errors when cancelling.</p>
<p>Updated staff alert message to also forward to the staff chat.</p>
<p>Updated teleport animations</p>
<p>Updated Wired triggers to only be triggered once per room cycle.</p></woltlab-spoiler><ul><li><em>1.8.0 -> 1.9.0</em></li></ul>
<p>Added ModToolTicket plugin event: SupportTicketEvent.</p>
<p>//There was more but I forgot lol.</p>
<p>Removed empty bots from empty command.</p>
<p>Removed empty pets from empty command.</p>
<p>Improved Navigator. Searching for room owner now works, searching by room name now works better.</p>
<p>Improved game cycle and synchronization.</p>
<p>Improved one way gates. Animation is now synchronized to the room cycle. No more jumping around.</p>
<p>Improved room cycle. Should be faster and less laggier in the busier rooms.</p>
<p>MachineID now updated in the users table.</p>
<p>Offline ip / machine id in the bans table is now read from the users table upon banning.</p>
<p>Pathfinder should be a little bit faster.</p>
<p>Added :emptybots command to empy the bots inventory.</p>
<p>Added :emptypets command to empty the pets inventory.</p>
<p>Added AllowTradingCommand. Determines whether a user is allowed to trade (Helps undo tradelock)</p>
<p>Added NUX steps.</p>
<p>Added RCON stalkuser.</p>
<p>Added better room settings error checking.</p>
<p>Added bot parameters.</p>
<p>Added bunch of composers.</p>
<p>Added error messages to room settings.</p>
<p>Added forwarding issues to guardians.</p>
<p>Added navigator category state settings to be cached.</p>
<p>Added offline banning.</p>
<p>Added popup when talent track level progressed.</p>
<p>Added RCON "updateuser" - Update the user with achievementscore. More can be added later.</p>
<p>Added RCON "friendrequest" - Sends a friendrequest from habbo a to habbo b.</p>
<p>Added RCON "imagehotelalert" - Sends a hotel alert with image to everyone online.</p>
<p>Added RCON "stalkuser" - Stalks a user.</p>
<p>Added RCON "staffalert" - Sends a staffalert to all staff online.</p>
<p>Added RCON "modticket" - Creates a new mod ticket (ModToolIssue) and sends this to all moderators online.</p>
<p>Added RCON "talkuser" - Make a user talk / shout / whisper. Includes optional bubble type.</p>
<p>Added RCON "changeroomowner" - Makes a different user the room owner. (Experimental)</p>
<p>Rolling onto gates now works.</p>
<p>Teleporting (teleport cmd) to furniture that can be sit on now updates the user</p>
<p>Fixed Spull into the void.</p>
<p>Fixed accepting guild membership requests from offline users.</p>
<p>Fixed ban reason in superban command.</p>
<p>Fixed bot message being a paragraph.</p>
<p>Fixed check on buying club acc_infinite_credits and acc_infinite_points.</p>
<p>Fixed gift button in catalog items.</p>
<p>Fixed invisible rooms not showing for staff.</p>
<p>Fixed kicking Habbos in public rooms.</p>
<p>Fixed missing check for acc_infinite_credits and acc_infinite_points for buying room event.</p>
<p>Fixed pending guilds on profile. (Now hidden)</p>
<p>Fixed quick polls not showing the votes when re-entering the room.</p>
<p>Fixed searching for marketplace items now on items_base.product_name instead of items_base.item_name</p>
<p>Fixed super wired (wf_act_give_reward).</p>
<p>Fixed talent track.</p>
<p>Fixed toggle furniture not toggling triggering item.</p>
<p>Fixed wired toggle furniture.</p>
<p>Fixed wireds. All should be saving now.</p>
<p>Removed popular rooms from search result.</p></woltlab-spoiler><ul><li><em>1.7.0 -> 1.8.0</em></li></ul>
<woltlab-spoiler data-label=""><p><br><strong>API / RCON</strong><br>API: Added parameter in Room class called allowEffects to determine if effects are allowed.<br>API: Added register(key, value) method to the ConfigurationManager.<br>API: Added register(key, value) method to the TextsManager.<br>API: Added String fullName (product_name) to Item object.<br>Updated: You can no longer stack furniture in the door.<br>API: Added UserCreditsEvent. Triggered when habbo.giveCredits() is used.<br>API: Added UserPointsEvent. Triggered when habbo.givePoints() / habbo.givePixels() is used.<br>API: Added UserRelationShipEvent. Triggered when a relationship is changed.<br>API: Helper method addBadge(String code) added to the Habbo class. Creates and adds a badge to the inventory and updates it in the client.<br>API: Helper method addBot(Bot bot) added to Habbo class. Adds a Bot to the inventory and updates it in the client.<br>API: Helper method addFurniture(HabboItem item) / addFurniture(THashSet items) added to Habbo class. Adds a furniture to the inventory and updates it to the client.<br>API: Helper method addPet(Pet pet) added to the Habbo class. Adds a pet to the inventory and updates it in the client.<br>API: Helper method deleteBadge(HabboBadge badge) added to the Habbo class. Deletes a badge from the database and inventory and updates it in the client.<br>API: Helper method deleteBot(Bot bot) added to the Habbo class. Deletes a bot from the database including removing it from the room and inventory.<br>API: Helper method remove(Pet pet) added to the Habbo class. Removes a pet from the inventory and updates it in the client.<br>API: Helper method removeBot(Bot bot) added to the Habbo class. Removes a Bot from the inventory and updates it in the client.<br>API: Helper method removeFurniture(HabboItem item) added to Habbo class. Removes a furniture from the inventory and updates it in the client.<br>RCON: Added FriendRequest<br>RCON Message<br>RCON: Added sendroombundle<br>RCON command.<br>RCON Now uses user_id for any command that used to take username as parameter to prevent further confusion between the different commands.<br>Made some attributes protected in WiredEffectWhisper for easily extending and making new wireds without copying a buttload of code.<br>Changed RCON key executecmd to executecommand.<br><strong>Updated</strong><br>Update Crackables: Owner of the crackable reward furniture is set to the crackable furniture owner, not the room owner.<br>Updated Bots inventory component now gets emptied by the empty command.<br>Updated credits/pixels/points/masscredits/masspixels/masspoints command to use habbo.giveCredits/ etc. respectively.<br>Updated pathfinder to no longer stand in chairs or beds when quickly pressing a different tile.<br>Updated pathfinder to recalculate part of the path after it has been changed.<br>Updated petinfo command<br>Updated Pets inventory component now gets emptied by the empty command.<br>Updated RCON Set Rank Command.<br>Updated rollers so avatars don't get rolled when there is furniture on the next roller.<br>Updated Wired Condition BattleBanzai Game Active to show the window.<br>Updated Wired Condition Freeze Game Active to show the window.<br>Updated Wired Condition Not Battle Banzai Game Active to show the window.<br>Updated Wired Condition Not Freeze Game Active to show the window.<br>Update GameTimers to default to wiredgame if available. Otherwise their respective game type.<br>Looks for monsterplants get properly drawn in the inventory. Need to recode the system to make it dynamic.<br>Recoded Wireds. 100% like Habbo (No longer a la retro)<br>Permanently fixed rollers.<br>Triggering wireds won't stack effects anymore.<br><strong>Added</strong><br>Added: HotelAlertLink (:hal ) command.<br>Added automatic stopping of the game if all players have left.<br>Added automatic topic handling.<br>Added cooldown to roomchat and private chat. Just like on Habbo. Anything said between the cooldown is not displayed or handled.<br>Added cooldown to wired effects. Defaults to 1 room cycle.<br>Added effect option to WiredBotEffectClothes.<br>Add \\effect: to the name.<br>Added error message for incompatible wired effects with their triggers.<br>Added error message for incompatible wired triggers with their effects.<br>Added message when a monsterplant gets treated.<br>Added optional [username] parameter for the enable effect command. Requires permission acc_enable_others to be set.<br>Added RCON UpdateUser. For now contains only achievement_score. Can add more upon request.<br>Added room_id to the camera_web table.<br>Added wf_act_move_furni_to. Moves the triggering furniture to the vicinity of the selected furniture.<br>Added When a user is banned, the CFH Topic gets logged.<br>Added Wired Extra Random wf_xtra_random<br>Added Wired Extra Unseen wf_xtra_unseen<br>Added WiredGame which is what Wired Join Team will use.<br>Monsterplants now show the message when 'treated'<br><strong>Fixed</strong><br>Fixed: Idling animation now properly shows again.<br>Fixed: Room bundles now check if you have not reached the room limit yet.<br>Fixed achievements not properly showing the update bubble.<br>Fixed bug in Guide tour where the session would not get detached clientside.<br>Fixed bug in ModToolBanEvent wrong header. Will be removed in next release. Use ModToolSanctionBanEvent for now.<br>Fixed catalog automatically closing.<br>Fixed disconnect from InteractionFootballScoreboard<br>Fixed door tile being reset to 0/0<br>Fixed football game.<br>Fixed football goals disconnecting.<br>Fixed guild gate closing when being moved.<br>Fixed Guilds not always showing on the profile.<br>Fixed infinite loop in wired callstacks.<br>Fixed interaction dice spamming. Just like on Habbo the use button does not work.<br>Fixed InteractionFootballGoals.<br>Fixed InteractionTeleportTile better animation.<br>Fixed machineban and superbanning.<br>Fixed nullpointer exception when viewing someones profile that is logging in.<br>Fixed pets walking to a black square.<br>Fixed possible error in InteractionFootball.<br>API: Added RoomUnitEffect enum, usefull for plugin developers to quickly find effect IDs.<br>Fixed RCON forwarduser not being removed from the room.<br>Added rank check to ipban, machineban and superban command.<br>Fixed goals not loading as the correct type.<br>Fixed removing guild.<br>Fixed searching for marketplace items now on items_base.product_name instead of items_base.item_name<br>Fixed Setrank will now update the online user AND update the rank in the database regardless if the user is online or not.<br>Fixed stairs not rendering correctly in rooms with incorrect paint.<br>Fixed teleporters not properly setting the location of the player.<br>Fixed teleporter walking into black.<br>Fixed walking in black for vendingmachines.<br>Fixed Wired WiredMatchFurni not properly loading.<br><strong>Removed</strong><br>Removed debug json from the room thumbnail event.<br>Removed PathFinder class.</p></woltlab-spoiler><p><br><strong>Häufige Fragen & Probleme:</strong><br></p>
<woltlab-spoiler data-label=""><p><br><strong>Q: Ich bekomme den Fehler "Invalid maximum heap size: -Xmx4096M"</strong><br>A: Die Zahl 4096 gibt die Größe des RAM's der dem Emulator maximal zugeordnet wird an. Wenn dieses Problem auftritt verringere diesen Wert auf z.B. 1024.</p>
<p><strong>Q: Wie kann ich den Emulator starten?</strong><br>A: Unter Windows kannst du einfach die start.bat verwenden. Unter Linux/MacOs über "java -jar ArcturusEmulator.jar"</p>
<p><strong>Q: Der Event Command zeigt nicht alles an:</strong><br></p>
<ul><li>A: Füge in deine external_flash_texts folgendes hin</li></ul>
<pre data-file="" data-highlighter="" data-line="1">notification.hotel.event.linkTitle=Join %ROOMNAME%
notification.hotel.event.title=Event Invite</pre>
<p><br><strong>Q: Wenn ich den Katalog öffne fliege ich aus dem Client.</strong><br>A: Füge in deine external_variables folgendes hinzu:<br></p>
<pre data-file="" data-highlighter="" data-line="1">flash.dynamic.icon.download.name.template=%typeid%%param%_icon.png</pre>
<p><strong>Q: Wie aktiviere ich die Kamera?</strong><br>A: Stelle in deinen Emulator Einstellungen den Punkt camera.item_id ein.<br>Verändere den interaction type von dem Foto Möbelstück zu "external_image"<br>Ändere deine external_variables<br></p>
<pre data-file="" data-highlighter="" data-line="1">navigator.thumbnail.url_base=http://a//rcturus.wf/camera/YOUR USERNAME HERE/thumbnail_
<p><br><strong>Q: Imager für die Youtube TV's</strong><br>A:</p>
<pre data-file="" data-highlighter="" data-line="1"></pre>
</woltlab-spoiler><p><strong>Bilder: </strong><br></p>
<woltlab-spoiler data-label=""><p><br><strong><img src="https://picr.ws/d/26ff.png" alt="26ff.png"></strong></p>
<p><strong><img src="https://picr.ws/d/ad6b.gif" alt="ad6b.gif"></strong></p>
<p><strong><img src="https://picr.ws/d/e768.png" alt="e768.png"></strong></p>
<p><strong><img src="https://picr.ws/d/c20c.gif" alt="c20c.gif"></strong></p>
<p><strong> <img src="https://picr.ws/d/fccd.gif" alt="fccd.gif"><img src="https://picr.ws/d/af91.png" alt="af91.png"></strong><br><img src="https://picr.ws/d/454f.gif" alt="454f.gif"><br></p></woltlab-spoiler><p><strong>Credits:</strong><br><img src="https://picr.ws/d/fd41.png" alt="fd41.png"></p>
<p>Quelle: <a href="https://bitbucket.org/Wesley12312/arcturus">https://bitbucket.org/Wesley12312/arcturus</a> & Ragezone</p>
- emulator
- java
- Tiere
- linux
- pferde
- Gruppen
- Wired
- macOS
- Arcuturs
- The General
- Bots
- Multi Threading
- gute Performance
Version 1.10
MODBruno -
11. Oktober 2017 um 19:49 -
367,61 MB -
Version 1.10
Version 1.9
MODBruno -
24. September 2017 um 11:18 -
366,87 MB -
Vollständiger SWF Ordner hinzugefügt
Version 1.9.0
MODBruno -
23. August 2017 um 11:45 -
22,78 MB -
Version 1.9.0
Version 1.8.0
MODBruno -
7. Juni 2017 um 06:02 -
23,71 MB -
Viele Bugs wurden behoben.
Version 1.7.0
MODBruno -
21. Mai 2017 um 08:04 -
25,67 MB -









