HoloCMS/Holograph[Copyright by FahD and Afroman]

  • Hey!
    Afroman and I have developed for you a holograph and HoloCMS!

    What is HoloCMS?
    HoloCMS is a free, advanced, and powerful website and content management system for Holograph Emulator. It is a complete solution that integrates perfectly, and works together with Holograph Emulator. It has been in development since december 2007 and has evolved a lot. HoloCMS 2.0 is a brand new version of HoloCMS that contains many improvements, fixes, and a lot of function rewrites. Due to the fact nearly every file was modified during the creation of this version, we have decided to call it version 2.0.

    Key Features
    - Full database integration with Holograph Emulator, MUS
    - Full on-site login and register
    - SSO Tickets and Login
    - Holograph Emulator and HoloCMS fully configurable
    - Advanced Housekeeping / Admin CP system
    - Habbo Homes and Groups system
    - Habbo Club system
    - Voucher redeeming, Transactions, etc
    ..and so much more! This is just a little taster.

    NOTICE: Holograph Emulator [and older builds of HoloCMS] are ONLY available on a SVN (Subversion) repository, and cannot be aquired otherwise. If you need assistance working with SVN, please have a look at [ame="http://forum.ragezone.com/showthread.php?t=375762"]this[/ame] tutorial. For older versions of HoloCMS, please take a look at the second post.

    HoloCMS 2.0 BETA 1:
    v2.0.0, BETA 1, Afroman & FahD:http://rapidshare.com/files/28592138...le_package.rar
    Holograph Emulator SVN (includes HoloDB.sql):

    Installation Instructions
    - Download HoloCMS and extract it anywhere
    - If you are planning on hosting HoloCMS locally, this is the time to set up apache if you haven't yet, and put all HoloCMS files in your htdocs directory. If you are planning on uploading HoloCMS to your webhost, do so now.
    - If you haven't installed Holograph Emulator yet, this is the perfect time to do so. Although HoloCMS can work without Holograph Emulator, it cannot work without it's database.
    - Create a database if needed, and execute holodb.sql on your SQL Database
    - Once you have uploaded/placed the files where you want them, navigate to your HoloCMS directory in your browser (eg.http://www.mysite.com/cms/).
    - The installer should launch now. Follow the on-screen instructions and fill in the information you are asked to. (Note: HoloCMS does not log your SQL credentials whatsoever, it writes them to a configuration file)
    - Once you have completed the installation, HoloCMS is ready for use!

    See you then!

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