Beiträge von F4ncy
Hallo ihr Lieben ich bin auf der Suche nach ein Sozusagen CMS Pack was bestimmt ist.
Da ich es bei vielen Hotel's gesehen habe würde ich mich freuen wenn ihr mir weiterhelfen könnt. Es soll wohl das Hobba,st CMS gewesen sein -
Hallo, ich bin auf der suche nach einer Datenbank vom Centernary CMS die für den Plus Emulator angepasst ist, ich bekomme das nicht hin. es kommen immer wieder irgentwelche fehler.
Leider nicht
Bräuchte eine web.config damit das Content bei mir Läuft auf IIS
Hier der Code der htaccesApache Configuration
Alles anzeigen<ifModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(.*)/$ ErrorDocument 404 /Bubbo/404.php ErrorDocument 500 /Bubbo/404.php </ifModule> RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^(.*)\.html $1\.php RewriteRule ^index$ ./index.php RewriteRule ^home(|/)$ ./home.php RewriteRule ^home/settings(|/)$ ./settings.php RewriteRule ^home/story(|/)$ ./story.php RewriteRule ^profil/([^/]+)(|/)$ ./profil.php?username=$1 RewriteRule ^logout$ ./logout.php RewriteRule ^community$ ./community.php RewriteRule ^community/personal(|/)$ ./team.php RewriteRule ^community/jobcenter(|/)$ ./jobcenter.php RewriteRule ^community/stats(|/)$ ./stats.php RewriteRule ^community/event(|/)$ ./topuser.php RewriteRule ^archiv(|/)$ ./archiv_2.php RewriteRule ^archiv/lexikon(|/)$ ./lexikon.php RewriteRule ^archiv/lexikon/([^/]+)(|/)$ ./lexikon_eintrag.php?id=$1 RewriteRule ^archiv/news(|/)$ ./archiv.php RewriteRule ^archiv/news/([^/]+)(|/)$ ./news.php?id=$1 RewriteRule ^archiv/news/cat/([^/]+)(|/)$ ./news_kategorie.php?category=$1 RewriteRule ^extras(|/)$ extras.php RewriteRule ^extras/avatar(|/)$ ./avatargen.php
Ich habe ein Problem undzwar zeigt er mit im Clienten folgendes an
Klick -
Es ist immerso verbuggt sobald ein Nutzer den Rang "2" bekommt.
Hallo, undzwar habe ich ein Problem wenn ein Spieler "Premium" Hat die seite keinen Style mehr...
@FOREX wäre nett wenn du mir soweit schonmal weiterhelfen könntest
@SirSonay Es sind räume in der Datenbank eingetragen der Emulator zeigt auch einen Fehler an
Spoiler anzeigen
Code27.11.2016 17:41:14: Error: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: Der angegebene Schl?ssel war nicht im W?rterbuch angegeben. bei System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key) bei Essential.HabboHotel.Navigators.Navigator.SerializePublicRooms() in c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Essential 5.1\Essential\HabboHotel\Navigators\Navigator.cs:Zeile 132. bei Essential.Communication.Messages.Navigator.GetOfficialRoomsMessageEvent.Handle(GameClient Session, ClientMessage Event) in c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Essential 5.1\Essential\Communication\Messages\Navigator\GetOfficialRoomsMessageEvent.cs:Zeile 10. bei Essential.HabboHotel.GameClients.GameClient.ParsePacket(Byte[]& bytes) in c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Essential 5.1\Essential\HabboHotel\GameClients\GameClient.cs:Zeile 468.
Problem besteht immernoch!
#push #hotelnavigator
meinst du diesen Code?
Alles anzeigen<?php /* * ___ _ ___ __ __ ___ * / __|___ _ _| |_ ___ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ / __| \/ / __| * | (__/ -_) ' \ _/ -_) ' \/ _` | '_| || | (__| |\/| \__ \ * \___\___|_||_\__\___|_||_\__,_|_| \_, |\___|_| |_|___/ * |__/ * ************************* * Content: CentenaryCMS * Autor : Revue * Contact: */ function getServerCount($string) { global $mysqli; switch ($string) { case 'users': $string = 'users_online'; break; case 'rooms': $string = 'rooms_loaded'; break; case 'stamp': $string = 'stamp'; break; case 'server_started': $string = 'server_started'; break; default: $string = ''; break; } $sql = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM server_status"); $row = $sql->fetch_object(); return $row->$string; } function getServerstats($string) { global $mysqli; $sql = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM system_stats"); $row = $sql->fetch_object(); return $row->$string; } function pagetitle($title) { global $user; $title = protect($title); $title = str_replace("%username%", $user->username, $title); return $title; } function sendmail($empfaenger, $betreff, $text) { $empfaenger = $empfaenger; $betreff = $betreff; $header = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $header .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n"; $header .= 'From: Habbo Hotel <>' . "\r\n"; mail($empfaenger, $betreff, $text, $header); } function MitarbeiterTable($user_id, $string) { global $mysqli; $user_id = protect($user_id); $string = protect($string); $sql = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM hp_mitarbeiter WHERE user_id = '" . $user_id . "' "); if ($sql->num_rows > 0) { $row = $sql->fetch_object(); return $row->$string; } else { return '0'; } } function getSettings($string) { global $mysqli; $string = protect($string); $sql = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM hp_settings LIMIT 1"); $row = $sql->fetch_object(); return $row->$string; } function umlaute($text, $noprotect = false) { if ($noprotect == false) { $text = protect($text); } $text = str_replace("ä", "ä", $text); $text = str_replace("Ăź", "ü", $text); $text = str_replace("ü", "ü", $text); $text = str_replace("Ăś", "ö", $text); $text = str_replace("?Â", "ß", $text); return $text; } function umlautenew($string) { $string = $string; $string = str_replace("ü", "{ue}", $string); $string = str_replace("Ü", "{UE}", $string); $string = str_replace("ä", "{ae}", $string); $string = str_replace("Ä", "{AE}", $string); $string = str_replace("ö", "{oe}", $string); $string = str_replace("Ö", "{OE}", $string); $string = str_replace("ß", "{ss}", $string); $string = str_replace("&", "{uu}", $string); $string = str_replace("'", "{ho}", $string); $string = str_replace('"', "{hh}", $string); $string = str_replace("¶", "{u1}", $string); $string = str_replace("¢", "{u2}", $string); $string = str_replace("*", "{u3}", $string); $string = str_replace("≠", "{u4}", $string); $string = str_replace("¿", "{u5}", $string); $string = str_replace("‚", "{u6}", $string); $string = str_replace("‘", "[u7}", $string); $string = str_replace("€", "{u8}", $string); $string = str_replace("$", "{u9}", $string); return $string; } function Umlautefix($text, $noprotect = false) { if ($noprotect == false) { $text = protect($text); } $text = htmlentities($text); return $text; } function shitumlaute($string) { $string = str_replace("ä", "ä", $string); $string = str_replace("ü", "ü", $string); return $string; } function protect($string, $output = false) { $string = str_replace("'", "", $string); $string = strip_tags($string); if ($output == false) { $string = Umlautefix($string, 'no-proect'); } return utf8_encode($string); } function pwhash($string) { $string = protect($string); $verschlusselung = 'XX8402u7NF.TL.85929!FASDJ4FU!A\\//adgkl4hsfkasdfhas,l54jk'; $pw = md5(md5(md5($string) . $verschlusselung)); return $pw; } function getRanks($string, $what) { global $mysqli, $user; $sql = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM ranks WHERE id = '" . $string . "' "); if ($sql->num_rows > 0) { $row = $sql->fetch_object(); return $row->$what; } } function getSiteManager($id, $string) { global $mysqli; $id = protect($id); $string = protect($string); $sql = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM hp_pages WHERE id = '" . $id . "' "); if ($sql->num_rows > 0) { $row = $sql->fetch_object(); return $row->$string; } } function getNaviManager($id, $string) { global $mysqli; $id = protect($id); $string = protect($string); $sql = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM hp_navi WHERE id = '" . $id . "' "); if ($sql->num_rows > 0) { $row = $sql->fetch_object(); return $row->$string; } } function getRoom($id, $string) { global $mysqli; $id = protect($id); $string = protect($string); $sql = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM rooms WHERE id = '" . $id . "' LIMIT 1"); $row = $sql->fetch_object(); return $row->$string; } function getRoomModel($roomid) { global $mysqli; $id = protect($roomid); $sql = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM rooms WHERE id = '" . $id . "' LIMIT 1"); if ($sql->num_rows > 0) { $row = $sql->fetch_object(); $search = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM room_models WHERE id = '" . $row->model_name . "' "); if ($search->num_rows > 0) { $srow = $search->fetch_object(); return $srow->heightmap; } else { return 'NO Model Found'; } } else { return 'No Room Found'; exit; } } function Habbohash($textt, $type) { switch ($type) { case('ver'): $text = str_replace("A", "9/", $textt); $text = str_replace("B", "8/", $text); $text = str_replace("C", "7/", $text); $text = str_replace("D", "6/", $text); $text = str_replace("E", "5/", $text); $text = str_replace("F", "4/", $text); $text = str_replace("G", "3/", $text); $text = str_replace("H", "2/", $text); $text = str_replace("I", "1/", $text); $text = str_replace("J", "0/", $text); $text = str_replace("K", "+/", $text); $text = str_replace("L", "*/", $text); $text = str_replace("M", "ďż˝/", $text); $text = str_replace("N", "%/", $text); $text = str_replace("O", "&/", $text); $text = str_replace("P", "~/", $text); $text = str_replace("Q", "(/", $text); $text = str_replace("R", ")/", $text); $text = str_replace("S", ":/", $text); $text = str_replace("T", "_/", $text); $text = str_replace("U", "ďż˝/", $text); $text = str_replace("V", "#/", $text); $text = str_replace("W", "ďż˝/", $text); $text = str_replace("X", "ďż˝/", $text); $text = str_replace("Y", "ďż˝/", $text); $text = str_replace("Z", "|/", $text); $text = str_replace("a", "9>", $text); $text = str_replace("b", "8>", $text); $text = str_replace("c", "7>", $text); $text = str_replace("d", "6>", $text); $text = str_replace("e", "5>", $text); $text = str_replace("f", "4>", $text); $text = str_replace("g", "3>", $text); $text = str_replace("h", "2>", $text); $text = str_replace("i", "1>", $text); $text = str_replace("j", "0>", $text); $text = str_replace("k", "+>", $text); $text = str_replace("l", "*>", $text); $text = str_replace("m", "ďż˝>", $text); $text = str_replace("n", "%>", $text); $text = str_replace("o", "&>", $text); $text = str_replace("p", "~>", $text); $text = str_replace("q", "(>", $text); $text = str_replace("r", ")>", $text); $text = str_replace("s", ":>", $text); $text = str_replace("t", "_>", $text); $text = str_replace("u", "ďż˝>", $text); $text = str_replace("v", "#>", $text); $text = str_replace("w", "ďż˝>", $text); $text = str_replace("x", "ďż˝>", $text); $text = str_replace("y", "ďż˝>", $text); $text = str_replace("z", "|>", $text); $text = str_replace("@", "ďż˝<", $text); $text = str_replace(" ", "ďż˝<", $text); return base64_encode(base64_encode($text)); break; case('ent'): $textt = base64_decode(base64_decode($textt)); $text = str_replace("9/", "A", $textt); $text = str_replace("8/", "B", $text); $text = str_replace("7/", "C", $text); $text = str_replace("6/", "D", $text); $text = str_replace("5/", "E", $text); $text = str_replace("4/", "F", $text); $text = str_replace("3/", "G", $text); $text = str_replace("2/", "H", $text); $text = str_replace("1/", "I", $text); $text = str_replace("0/", "J", $text); $text = str_replace("+/", "K", $text); $text = str_replace("*/", "L", $text); $text = str_replace("ďż˝/", "M", $text); $text = str_replace("%/", "N", $text); $text = str_replace("&/", "O", $text); $text = str_replace("~/", "P", $text); $text = str_replace("(/", "Q", $text); $text = str_replace(")/", "R", $text); $text = str_replace(":/", "S", $text); $text = str_replace("_/", "T", $text); $text = str_replace("ďż˝/", "U", $text); $text = str_replace("#/", "V", $text); $text = str_replace("ďż˝/", "W", $text); $text = str_replace("ďż˝/", "X", $text); $text = str_replace("ďż˝/", "Y", $text); $text = str_replace("|/", "Z", $text); $text = str_replace("9>", "a", $text); $text = str_replace("8>", "b", $text); $text = str_replace("7>", "c", $text); $text = str_replace("6>", "d", $text); $text = str_replace("5>", "e", $text); $text = str_replace("4>", "f", $text); $text = str_replace("3>", "g", $text); $text = str_replace("2>", "h", $text); $text = str_replace("1>", "i", $text); $text = str_replace("0>", "j", $text); $text = str_replace("+>", "k", $text); $text = str_replace("*>", "l", $text); $text = str_replace("ďż˝>", "m", $text); $text = str_replace("%>", "n", $text); $text = str_replace("&>", "o", $text); $text = str_replace("~>", "p", $text); $text = str_replace("(>", "q", $text); $text = str_replace(")>", "r", $text); $text = str_replace(":>", "s", $text); $text = str_replace("_>", "t", $text); $text = str_replace("ďż˝>", "u", $text); $text = str_replace("#>", "v", $text); $text = str_replace("ďż˝>", "w", $text); $text = str_replace("ďż˝>", "x", $text); $text = str_replace("ďż˝>", "y", $text); $text = str_replace("|>", "z", $text); $text = str_replace("ďż˝<", "@", $text); $text = str_replace("ďż˝<", " ", $text); return $text; break; } } function mottosymbole($text) { $text = protect($text); $text = str_replace("|", "♥", $text); $text = str_replace("<3", "♥", $text); return $text; } function getDays($id) { $full_day = $id; if ($full_day == "1") { $date = "Montag"; } if ($full_day == "2") { $date = "Dienstag"; } if ($full_day == "3") { $date = "Mittwoch"; } if ($full_day == "4") { $date = "Donnerstag"; } if ($full_day == "5") { $date = "Freitag"; } if ($full_day == "6") { $date = "Samstag"; } if ($full_day == "0") { $date = "Sonntag"; } return $date; } function getMonth($id) { $full_m = $id; if ($full_m == "1") { $datex = "Januar"; } if ($full_m == "2") { $datex = "Februar"; } if ($full_m == "3") { $datex = "März"; } if ($full_m == "4") { $datex = "April"; } if ($full_m == "5") { $datex = "Mai"; } if ($full_m == "6") { $datex = "Juni"; } if ($full_m == "7") { $datex = "Juli"; } if ($full_m == "8") { $datex = "August"; } if ($full_m == "9") { $datex = "September"; } if ($full_m == "10") { $datex = "Oktober"; } if ($full_m == "11") { $datex = "November"; } if ($full_m == "12") { $datex = "Dezember"; } return $datex; } function dateformatierung($time) { $time = protect($time); switch (date('d.m.Y', $time)) { case date('d.m.Y', strtotime("+1 day")): return 'Morgen </b>um<b> ' . date('H:i', $time); break; case(date('d.m.Y')): return 'Heute </b>um<b> ' . date('H:i', $time); break; case(date('d.m.Y', time() - 86400)): return 'Gestern </b>um<b> ' . date('H:i', $time); break; case(date('d.m.Y', time() - (86400 * 2))): return 'Vorgestern </b>um<b> ' . date('H:i', $time); break; default: return date('d.m.Y', $time) . '</b> um <b>' . date('H:i', $time); break; } } function getTime($time) { $time = protect($time); if ($time / 60 >= '1') { if (($time / 60) / 60 >= '1') { if ((($time / 60) / 60) / 24 >= '1') { if (((($time / 60) / 60) / 24) / 30 >= '1') { if ((((($time / 60) / 60) / 24) / 30) / 12 >= '1') { if ((((($time / 60) / 60) / 24) / 30) / 12 == '1') { $beschreibung = 'Jahr'; } else { $beschreibung = 'Jahren'; } $time = round((((($time / 60) / 60) / 24) / 30) / 12); } else { if ((((($time / 60) / 60) / 24) / 30) == '1') { $beschreibung = 'Monat'; } else { $beschreibung = 'Monaten'; } $time = round(((($time / 60) / 60) / 24) / 30); } } else { if (round((($time / 60) / 60) / 24) == '1') { $beschreibung = 'Tag'; } else { $beschreibung = 'Tagen'; } $time = round((($time / 60) / 60) / 24); } } else { if (round(($time / 60) / 60) == '1') { $beschreibung = 'Stunde'; } else { $beschreibung = 'Stunden'; } $time = round(($time / 60) / 60); } } else { if (round($time / 60) == '1') { $beschreibung = 'Minute'; } else { $beschreibung = 'Minuten'; } $time = round($time / 60); } } else { if (round($time) == '1') { $beschreibung = 'Sekunden'; } else { $beschreibung = 'Sekunden'; } $time = round($time); } return $time . ' ' . $beschreibung; } function copyroom($roomid, $captionnew, $onwernew) { global $mysqli; $roomid = protect($roomid); $captionnew = protect($captionnew); $ownernew = protect($onwernew); $getroom = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM rooms WHERE id = '" . $roomid . "' "); if ($getroom->num_rows > 0) { $room = $getroom->fetch_object(); $mysqli->query("INSERT INTO rooms (roomtype, caption, owner, description, category, state, users_now, users_max, model_name, password, allow_hidewall, wallthick, floorthick, wallpaper, floor, landscape) VALUES ('" . $room->roomtype . "', '" . $captionnew . "', '" . $onwernew . "', '" . $room->description . "', '" . $room->category . "', '" . $room->state . "', '0', '" . $room->users_max . "', '" . $room->model_name . "', '" . $room->password . "', '" . $room->allow_hidewall . "', '" . $room->wallthick . "', '" . $room->floorthick . "', '" . $room->wallpaper . "', '" . $room->floor . "', '" . $room->landscape . "') "); $newroom_sql = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM rooms WHERE caption = '" . $captionnew . "' AND owner = '" . $onwernew . "' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1"); if ($newroom_sql->num_rows > 0) { $newroom = $newroom_sql->fetch_object(); $sql_get = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM items WHERE room_id = '" . $room->id . "'"); if ($sql_get->num_rows > 0) { while ($row = $sql_get->fetch_object()) { $sql = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM room_items_moodlight WHERE item_id = '" . $row->id . "' "); if ($sql->num_rows < 1) { $mysqli->query("INSERT INTO items (user_id, room_id, base_item, x, y, z, rot, wall_pos, copied_itemid, ltd_id, ltd_cnt, guild_data) VALUES ('" . $row->user_id . "', '" . $newroom->id . "', '" . $row->base_item . "', '" . $row->x . "', '" . $row->y . "', '" . $row->z . "', '" . $row->rot . "', '" . $row->wall_pos . "', '" . $row->copied_itemid . "', '" . $row->ltd_id . "', '" . $row->ltd_cnt . "', '" . $row->guild_data . "') "); MUS('update_catalogid'); $getitem_sql = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM items WHERE room_id = '" . $newroom->id . "' AND base_item = '" . $row->base_item . "' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1"); $getitem = $getitem_sql->fetch_object(); $checkextra = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM items_extra_data WHERE item_id = '" . $row->id . "' "); if ($checkextra->num_rows > 0) { $extrada = $checkextra->fetch_object(); $mysqli->query("INSERT INTO items_extra_data (item_id, extra_data) VALUES ('" . $getitem->id . "', '" . $extrada->extra_data . "')"); MUS('update_catalogid'); } } else { } } } MUS('update_catalogid'); MUS('unloadroom', $newroom->id); echo $newroom->id; } else { exit; } } else { exit; } } function isfriend($id1, $id2) { global $mysqli; $id1 = protect($id1); $id2 = protect($id2); $search = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM messenger_friendships WHERE user_one_id = '" . $id1 . "' AND user_two_id = '" . $id2 . "' LIMIT 1"); if ($search->num_rows > 0) { return '1'; } else { return '0'; } } function getForumKategorie($id) { global $mysqli; $id = protect($id); $sql = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM hp_forum WHERE id = '" . $id . "' "); if ($sql->num_rows > 0) { $row = $sql->fetch_object(); return $row->name; } } function getServerName($ip, $what) { $ip = protect($ip); switch ($ip) { case 'Server1': case '': $x->name = 'Server <b>2</b>'; $x->ip = ''; break; case 'Server2': case '': $x->name = 'Server <b>2</b>'; $x->ip = ''; break; case 'Server3': case 'c': $x->name = 'Server 3'; $x->ip = ''; break; case 'Server4': case 'd': $x->name = 'Server 4'; break; case '': $x->name = 'Server Local'; $x->ip = ''; break; default: header("location:"); exit; break; } return $x->$what; } function getServerStatus($ip, $port) { $starttime = microtime(true); $file = fsockopen($ip, $port, $errno, $errstr, 10); $stoptime = microtime(true); $status = 1; if (!$file) $status = '0'; // Site is down else { fclose($file); $status = ($stoptime - $starttime) * 1000; $status = '1'; } return $status; } include('./classes/SecurityManager.php'); function fixOutgoingUmlaute($string) { $string = str_replace("{ue}", "ü", $string); $string = str_replace("{UE}", "Ü", $string); $string = str_replace("{ae}", "ä", $string); $string = str_replace("{AE}", "Ä", $string); $string = str_replace("{oe}", "ö", $string); $string = str_replace("{OE}", "Ö", $string); $string = str_replace("{ss}", "ß", $string); $string = str_replace("{uu}", "&", $string); $string = str_replace("{ho}", "'", $string); $string = str_replace("{hh}", '"', $string); $string = str_replace("{u1}", "¶", $string); $string = str_replace("{u2}", "¢", $string); $string = str_replace("{u3}", "*", $string); $string = str_replace("{u4}", "≠", $string); $string = str_replace("{u5}", "¿", $string); $string = str_replace("{u6}", "‚", $string); $string = str_replace("[u7}", "‘", $string); $string = str_replace("{u8}", "€", $string); $string = str_replace("{u9}", "$", $string); return $string; } function GetXlerInfo($userid, $string) { global $mysqli; $userid = protect($userid); $string = protect($string); $check = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM hp_xler WHERE user_id = '".$userid."' "); if($check->num_rows > 0) { $row = $check->fetch_object(); return $row->$string; } else { return '0'; } } ?>
Hallo, Es ist alles richtig verlinkt. und trotzdem zeigt der mir weiterhin das das das Bild auf den SWF server liegen muss /
Habe mal in der Fehler datei im Emulator geschaut und bekomme immer wegen den Navigator weil der Lädt... folgenden ErrorCode20.11.2016 14:21:11: Error: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: Der angegebene Schl?ssel war nicht im W?rterbuch angegeben. bei System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key) bei Essential.HabboHotel.Navigators.Navigator.SerializePublicRooms() in c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Essential 5.1\Essential\HabboHotel\Navigators\Navigator.cs:Zeile 132. bei Essential.Communication.Messages.Navigator.GetOfficialRoomsMessageEvent.Handle(GameClient Session, ClientMessage Event) in c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Essential 5.1\Essential\Communication\Messages\Navigator\GetOfficialRoomsMessageEvent.cs:Zeile 10. bei Essential.HabboHotel.GameClients.GameClient.ParsePacket(Byte[]& bytes) in c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Essential 5.1\Essential\HabboHotel\GameClients\GameClient.cs:Zeile 468.
---Aktualisiert, Problem Gelöst mit der roomads im Client Falls ihr das selbe Problem habt geht ihr auf public->Loader->Client->index.php dort steht das ändert ihr zu eurern Link
unter "default" kann ich nichts Eintragen
Hier ist einmal die error Datei
Spoiler anzeigen
Alles anzeigen18.11.2016 10:43:49: Error during saving wired items for room 77630. Stack: MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException (0x80004005): Field 'extra6' doesn't have a default value bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlStream.ReadPacket() bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.GetResult(Int32& affectedRow, Int64& insertedId) bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Driver.NextResult(Int32 statementId, Boolean force) bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader.NextResult() bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior) bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand.ExecuteScalar() bei Essential.Storage.DatabaseClient.ExecuteQuery(String sQuery, Int32 timeout) in c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Essential 5.1\Essential\Storage\DatabaseClient.cs:Zeile 33. bei Essential.HabboHotel.Rooms.Room.method_64() in c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Essential 5.1\Essential\HabboHotel\Rooms\Room.cs:Zeile 5752. Query: DELETE FROM wired_items WHERE item_id = '727' LIMIT 1; INSERT INTO wired_items (item_id,extra1,extra2,extra3,extra4,extra5) VALUES ('727',@727Extra1,@727Extra2,@727Extra3,@727Extra4,@727Extra5); DELETE FROM wired_items WHERE item_id = '728' LIMIT 1; INSERT INTO wired_items (item_id,extra1,extra2,extra3,extra4,extra5) VALUES ('728',@728Extra1,@728Extra2,@728Extra3,@728Extra4,@728Extra5); 18.11.2016 10:43:53: Error during saving wired items for room 77638. Stack: MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException (0x80004005): Field 'extra6' doesn't have a default value bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlStream.ReadPacket() bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.GetResult(Int32& affectedRow, Int64& insertedId) bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Driver.NextResult(Int32 statementId, Boolean force) bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader.NextResult() bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior) bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand.ExecuteScalar() bei Essential.Storage.DatabaseClient.ExecuteQuery(String sQuery, Int32 timeout) in c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Essential 5.1\Essential\Storage\DatabaseClient.cs:Zeile 33. bei Essential.HabboHotel.Rooms.Room.method_64() in c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Essential 5.1\Essential\HabboHotel\Rooms\Room.cs:Zeile 5752. Query: DELETE FROM wired_items WHERE item_id = '1535' LIMIT 1; INSERT INTO wired_items (item_id,extra1,extra2,extra3,extra4,extra5) VALUES ('1535',@1535Extra1,@1535Extra2,@1535Extra3,@1535Extra4,@1535Extra5); DELETE FROM wired_items WHERE item_id = '1536' LIMIT 1; INSERT INTO wired_items (item_id,extra1,extra2,extra3,extra4,extra5) VALUES ('1536',@1536Extra1,@1536Extra2,@1536Extra3,@1536Extra4,@1536Extra5); DELETE FROM wired_items WHERE item_id = '1158' LIMIT 1; INSERT INTO wired_items (item_id,extra1,extra2,extra3,extra4,extra5) VALUES ('1158',@1158Extra1,@1158Extra2,@1158Extra3,@1158Extra4,@1158Extra5); DELETE FROM wired_items WHERE item_id = '1155' LIMIT 1; INSERT INTO wired_items (item_id,extra1,extra2,extra3,extra4,extra5) VALUES ('1155',@1155Extra1,@1155Extra2,@1155Extra3,@1155Extra4,@1155Extra5); DELETE FROM wired_items WHERE item_id = '1156' LIMIT 1; INSERT INTO wired_items (item_id,extra1,extra2,extra3,extra4,extra5) VALUES ('1156',@1156Extra1,@1156Extra2,@1156Extra3,@1156Extra4,@1156Extra5); DELETE FROM wired_items WHERE item_id = '1157' LIMIT 1; INSERT INTO wired_items (item_id,extra1,extra2,extra3,extra4,extra5) VALUES ('1157',@1157Extra1,@1157Extra2,@1157Extra3,@1157Extra4,@1157Extra5); DELETE FROM wired_items WHERE item_id = '1537' LIMIT 1; INSERT INTO wired_items (item_id,extra1,extra2,extra3,extra4,extra5) VALUES ('1537',@1537Extra1,@1537Extra2,@1537Extra3,@1537Extra4,@1537Extra5); DELETE FROM wired_items WHERE item_id = '1538' LIMIT 1; INSERT INTO wired_items (item_id,extra1,extra2,extra3,extra4,extra5) VALUES ('1538',@1538Extra1,@1538Extra2,@1538Extra3,@1538Extra4,@1538Extra5); DELETE FROM wired_items WHERE item_id = '1539' LIMIT 1; INSERT INTO wired_items (item_id,extra1,extra2,extra3,extra4,extra5) VALUES ('1539',@1539Extra1,@1539Extra2,@1539Extra3,@1539Extra4,@1539Extra5); DELETE FROM wired_items WHERE item_id = '1540' LIMIT 1; INSERT INTO wired_items (item_id,extra1,extra2,extra3,extra4,extra5) VALUES ('1540',@1540Extra1,@1540Extra2,@1540Extra3,@1540Extra4,@1540Extra5); DELETE FROM wired_items WHERE item_id = '1541' LIMIT 1; INSERT INTO wired_items (item_id,extra1,extra2,extra3,extra4,extra5) VALUES ('1541',@1541Extra1,@1541Extra2,@1541Extra3,@1541Extra4,@1541Extra5); DELETE FROM wired_items WHERE item_id = '1542' LIMIT 1; INSERT INTO wired_items (item_id,extra1,extra2,extra3,extra4,extra5) VALUES ('1542',@1542Extra1,@1542Extra2,@1542Extra3,@1542Extra4,@1542Extra5); DELETE FROM wired_items WHERE item_id = '3121' LIMIT 1; INSERT INTO wired_items (item_id,extra1,extra2,extra3,extra4,extra5) VALUES ('3121',@3121Extra1,@3121Extra2,@3121Extra3,@3121Extra4,@3121Extra5); DELETE FROM wired_items WHERE item_id = '1142' LIMIT 1; INSERT INTO wired_items (item_id,extra1,extra2,extra3,extra4,extra5) VALUES ('1142',@1142Extra1,@1142Extra2,@1142Extra3,@1142Extra4,@1142Extra5); DELETE FROM wired_items WHERE item_id = '1143' LIMIT 1; INSERT INTO wired_items (item_id,extra1,extra2,extra3,extra4,extra5) VALUES ('1143',@1143Extra1,@1143Extra2,@1143Extra3,@1143Extra4,@1143Extra5); DELETE FROM wired_items WHERE item_id = '1144' LIMIT 1; INSERT INTO wired_items (item_id,extra1,extra2,extra3,extra4,extra5) VALUES ('1144',@1144Extra1,@1144Extra2,@1144Extra3,@1144Extra4,@1144Extra5); DELETE FROM wired_items WHERE item_id = '1145' LIMIT 1; INSERT INTO wired_items (item_id,extra1,extra2,extra3,extra4,extra5) VALUES ('1145',@1145Extra1,@1145Extra2,@1145Extra3,@1145Extra4,@1145Extra5); DELETE FROM wired_items WHERE item_id = '1533' LIMIT 1; INSERT INTO wired_items (item_id,extra1,extra2,extra3,extra4,extra5) VALUES ('1533',@1533Extra1,@1533Extra2,@1533Extra3,@1533Extra4,@1533Extra5); DELETE FROM wired_items WHERE item_id = '1534' LIMIT 1; INSERT INTO wired_items (item_id,extra1,extra2,extra3,extra4,extra5) VALUES ('1534',@1534Extra1,@1534Extra2,@1534Extra3,@1534Extra4,@1534Extra5); DELETE FROM wired_items WHERE item_id = '1162' LIMIT 1; INSERT INTO wired_items (item_id,extra1,extra2,extra3,extra4,extra5) VALUES ('1162',@1162Extra1,@1162Extra2,@1162Extra3,@1162Extra4,@1162Extra5); DELETE FROM wired_items WHERE item_id = '1163' LIMIT 1; INSERT INTO wired_items (item_id,extra1,extra2,extra3,extra4,extra5) VALUES ('1163',@1163Extra1,@1163Extra2,@1163Extra3,@1163Extra4,@1163Extra5); DELETE FROM wired_items WHERE item_id = '1164' LIMIT 1; INSERT INTO wired_items (item_id,extra1,extra2,extra3,extra4,extra5) VALUES ('1164',@1164Extra1,@1164Extra2,@1164Extra3,@1164Extra4,@1164Extra5); DELETE FROM wired_items WHERE item_id = '1161' LIMIT 1; INSERT INTO wired_items (item_id,extra1,extra2,extra3,extra4,extra5) VALUES ('1161',@1161Extra1,@1161Extra2,@1161Extra3,@1161Extra4,@1161Extra5);
Mein Navigator hat ein fehler undzwar lädt er die Offiziellen Räume nicht.
Klicke hier
Hier ist der Exeptions Error Code der im Emulator angezeigt wird.Code20.11.2016 22:04:32: Error: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: Der angegebene Schl?ssel war nicht im W?rterbuch angegeben. bei System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key) bei Essential.HabboHotel.Navigators.Navigator.SerializePublicRooms() in c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Essential 5.1\Essential\HabboHotel\Navigators\Navigator.cs:Zeile 132. bei Essential.Communication.Messages.Navigator.GetOfficialRoomsMessageEvent.Handle(GameClient Session, ClientMessage Event) in c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Essential 5.1\Essential\Communication\Messages\Navigator\GetOfficialRoomsMessageEvent.cs:Zeile 10. bei Essential.HabboHotel.GameClients.GameClient.ParsePacket(Byte[]& bytes) in c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Essential 5.1\Essential\HabboHotel\GameClients\GameClient.cs:Zeile 468.
Würde mich über eine Hilfreiche Antwort freuen da es nicht nur mir hilft, sondern auch anderen!
Hallo, undzwar Funktionieren bei mir die Wired's nicht.
Ist wohl ein bekanntes Problem bei den Essentials Emulator und ich wollte mich an euch richten damit ihr mir weiterhelfen könnt das die Wired's wieder Funktionieren.
Würde mich über eine Hilfreiche Antwort von euch Freuen - (Mit Umrandung)
bubbow.pngbubboschatten.pngGreetz, xDouble
@xDouble Kannst du mir eins auch mit Umrandung machen mit "Hebbu" ? wäre echt nett