Beiträge von cryllical


    wenn du willst, kann ich bei euch als Moderator tätig sein. Habe ein wichtiges Projekt fertiggestellt und muss in den nächsten Wochen nichts wichtiges machen, also kann ich gerne in deinem Hotel moderieren. Voraussetzung ist, das wenigstens ein bisschen im Hotel los ist.

    Ab 10 Usern würde ich online kommen immer, pro Tag so 2 Stunden.

    Ich habe sehr viel Erfahrung und bin seit ca. 8 Jahren in der Retro-Szene aktiv gewesen. (Teilweise auch unter einem anderen Namen)

    Wenn du Interesse hast, kannst du dich gerne bei mir melden.


    Externer Inhalt
    Inhalte von externen Seiten werden ohne Ihre Zustimmung nicht automatisch geladen und angezeigt.
    Durch die Aktivierung der externen Inhalte erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass personenbezogene Daten an Drittplattformen übermittelt werden. Mehr Informationen dazu haben wir in unserer Datenschutzerklärung zur Verfügung gestellt.

    Du willst PHP herunterladen um damit zu programmieren aber kannst selbst nicht Installationslog lesen

    Dafür sind Foren da. Wenn man was nicht versteht, fragt man halt nach. Was ist dein Problem? Nur weil man mit PHP programmieren kann, heißt das nicht, das man Installationslogs verstehen muss.

    Sieht so aus als wäre der WPI nicht aktuell, kann das sein?

    Nein, das Programm ist auf dem neusten Stand.

    Ich verdächtige fehlende MSVC Redistributables

    Nein, ich habe alle, die mit Windows 10 kompatibel sind, installiert. Außerdem müsste mich der Web Platform Installer doch auf fehlende Redistributables hinweisen, oder nicht?


    Welche .NET Version hast du installiert?

    .NET Framework 4 (…s.aspx?id=17851)



    Zitat von Bruno

    Ich habe schon von Fällen gehört wo es an einer Firewall lag und einem wo es mit dem Zertifikat des Downloadservers Probleme gab.

    Ich habe versucht, die Windows Firewall zu deaktivieren. Das hat leider keinen Erfolg gebracht. Außerdem habe ich es mit einer anderen Internetverbindung probiert, was leider auch nicht geholfen hat.

    Edit 2:

    Ich habe mich dazu entschlossen, den Microsoft Support zu kontaktieren.

    Dieser Thread kann geschlossen werden, vielen Dank an alle, die versucht haben, mir zu helfen!


    ich habe folgendes Problem:


    Was kann ich tun?

    Ich habe schon versucht, diesen Wert in der Registrierung zu ändern. ( auf 9 und 10 )

    Leider hat das nichts gebracht!


    Hoffentlich kann mir hier jemand helfen. Danke!

    Web Platform Installer - Installationslog

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Loading product xml from:

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : responded with 302

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Response headers:

    HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily

    Cache-Control: no-cache

    Pragma: no-cache

    Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

    Expires: -1


    Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.5

    X-AspNetMvc-Version: 5.2

    X-AspNet-Version: 4.0.30319

    X-Powered-By: ASP.NET

    Content-Length: 185

    Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2018 20:44:45 GMT

    Connection: keep-alive

    Set-Cookie: m0=id=sxpB4JADWF&v=5.0; expires=Wed, 18-Mar-2020 20:44:45 GMT; path=/

    Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Number of bytes downloaded over the internet: '7722992'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Number of bytes after possible decompression: '7722992'

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID 5nine

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Security

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID 5nine

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Security

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Backup

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Portal

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Backup

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Portal

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Backup

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Resource Provider

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID VMWare

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Hybrid Cloud

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Windows Azure Pack

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Cloud Assert

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID VMWare

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Hybrid Cloud

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Windows Azure Pack

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Cloud Assert

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID VMWare

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Hybrid Cloud

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Windows Azure Pack

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Cloud Assert

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Usage

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Billing

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Hybrid Cloud

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Windows Azure Pack

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Cloud Assert

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Usage

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Billing

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Hybrid Cloud

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Windows Azure Pack

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Cloud Assert

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Usage

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Billing

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Hybrid Cloud

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Windows Azure Pack

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Cloud Assert

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Usage

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Billing

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Hybrid Cloud

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Windows Azure Pack

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Cloud Assert

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Cloud Cruiser

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Billing

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Showback

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Cloud Cruiser

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Billing

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Showback

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Could not resolve keyword ID Terawe

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Filtering by current OS

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Loading product xml from:

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : responded with 301

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Response headers:

    HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently

    Cache-Control: no-cache

    Pragma: no-cache

    Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

    Expires: -1


    Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.5

    X-AspNetMvc-Version: 5.2

    X-AspNet-Version: 4.0.30319

    X-Powered-By: ASP.NET

    Content-Length: 177

    Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2018 20:44:57 GMT

    Connection: keep-alive

    Set-Cookie: m0=id=sxpJU6Y370&v=5.0; expires=Wed, 18-Mar-2020 20:44:56 GMT; path=/

    Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Content-Encoding header: 'gzip'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Number of bytes downloaded over the internet: '67099'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Number of bytes after possible decompression: '442641'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Filtering by current OS

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Sucessfully loaded the feed '' after preprocessing, location on disk: 'C:\Users\Florian\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\preprocessor\-966730450.xml'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Loading product xml from:

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Number of bytes downloaded over the internet: '52513'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Number of bytes after possible decompression: '52513'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Filtering by current OS

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Sucessfully loaded the feed '' after preprocessing, location on disk: 'C:\Users\Florian\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\preprocessor\2000756975.xml'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Loading product xml from:

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Number of bytes downloaded over the internet: '66595'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Number of bytes after possible decompression: '66595'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Filtering by current OS

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Sucessfully loaded the feed '' after preprocessing, location on disk: 'C:\Users\Florian\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\preprocessor\609314840.xml'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Loading product xml from:…ProductList.xml

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Number of bytes downloaded over the internet: '40796'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Number of bytes after possible decompression: '40796'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Filtering by current OS

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Sucessfully loaded the feed '…ProductList.xml' after preprocessing, location on disk: 'C:\Users\Florian\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\preprocessor\140237651.xml'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Sucessfully loaded the feed '' after preprocessing, location on disk: 'C:\Users\Florian\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\preprocessor\1343597488.xml'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Number of bytes downloaded over the internet: '732157'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Number of bytes after possible decompression: '732157'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Content-Encoding header: 'gzip'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Number of bytes downloaded over the internet: '43107'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Number of bytes after possible decompression: '134344'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Number of bytes downloaded over the internet: '8759'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Number of bytes after possible decompression: '8759'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Number of bytes downloaded over the internet: '37218'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Number of bytes after possible decompression: '37218'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Number of bytes downloaded over the internet: '9777'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Number of bytes after possible decompression: '9777'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Getting ratings file from

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : responded with 302

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Response headers:

    HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily

    Cache-Control: no-cache

    Pragma: no-cache

    Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

    Expires: -1


    Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.5

    X-AspNetMvc-Version: 5.2

    X-AspNet-Version: 4.0.30319

    X-Powered-By: ASP.NET

    Content-Length: 203

    Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2018 20:45:01 GMT

    Connection: keep-alive

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Number of bytes downloaded over the internet: '0'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Number of bytes after possible decompression: '0'

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Error getting last-modified header, error code: 12150

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : HttpQueryInfoWithRetry for HTTP_QUERY_LAST_MODIFIED failed.

    DownloadManager Error: 0 : Error loading rating files: System.Xml.XmlException: Das Stammelement ist nicht vorhanden.

    bei System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)

    bei System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ThrowWithoutLineInfo(String res)

    bei System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent()

    bei System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()

    bei System.Xml.XmlLoader.Load(XmlDocument doc, XmlReader reader, Boolean preserveWhitespace)

    bei System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(XmlReader reader)

    bei System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(String filename)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ProductServiceImpl.GetAppRatings()

    DownloadManager Error: 0 : WebClient download error. Uri:, Error: System.Net.WebException: Der Remoteserver hat einen Fehler zurückgegeben: (404) Nicht gefunden.

    bei System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.UI.DownloadServiceImplementation.DownloadFile(Uri uri, String filePath)

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : responded with 404

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Response headers:

    HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

    Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0

    Content-Length: 34951

    Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

    Expires: Wed, 11 Jan 1984 05:00:00 GMT

    Server: Microsoft-IIS/10.0

    X-Powered-By: PHP/5.6.33

    Link: <>; rel=""

    X-Powered-By: ASP.NET

    Set-Cookie: ARRAffinity=aad5ab4ebeee9e2e48ef3c2614a857fa19ad5f998e0351e9bcb62b2365bdbb9b;Path=/;HttpOnly;Domain=

    Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2018 20:50:13 GMT

    DownloadManager Error: 0 : WinInet download error. Uri:, Error: System.Net.WebException: Url '' returned HTTP status code: 404

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.OpenUrlAndFollowRedirects(Uri& uri, IntPtr& hInetFile)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.DownloadFile(Uri uri, String fileName, String& contentDispositionFileName)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.UI.DownloadServiceImplementation.DownloadFile(Uri uri, String filePath)

    DownloadManager Error: 0 : WebClient download error. Uri:…_expression.png, Error: System.Net.WebException: Der Remoteserver hat einen Fehler zurückgegeben: (404) Nicht gefunden.

    bei System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.UI.DownloadServiceImplementation.DownloadFile(Uri uri, String filePath)

    DownloadManager Information: 0 :…_expression.png responded with 404

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Response headers:

    HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

    Cache-Control: private

    Content-Type: text/html


    CorrelationVector: HtWJVbok5k6SSJbB.1.0

    Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept

    Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS

    Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true

    X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN

    X-EdgeConnect-Origin-MEX-Latency: 116

    X-EdgeConnect-Origin-MEX-Latency: 116

    Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000

    Content-Length: 52329

    Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2018 20:50:18 GMT

    Connection: keep-alive

    X-RTag: ARRPrd

    DownloadManager Error: 0 : WinInet download error. Uri:…_expression.png, Error: System.Net.WebException: Url '…_expression.png' returned HTTP status code: 404

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.OpenUrlAndFollowRedirects(Uri& uri, IntPtr& hInetFile)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.DownloadFile(Uri uri, String fileName, String& contentDispositionFileName)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.UI.DownloadServiceImplementation.DownloadFile(Uri uri, String filePath)

    DownloadManager Error: 0 : WebClient download error. Uri:…_expression.png, Error: System.Net.WebException: Der Remoteserver hat einen Fehler zurückgegeben: (404) Nicht gefunden.

    bei System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.UI.DownloadServiceImplementation.DownloadFile(Uri uri, String filePath)

    DownloadManager Information: 0 :…_expression.png responded with 404

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Response headers:

    HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

    Cache-Control: private

    Content-Type: text/html


    CorrelationVector: HtWJVbok5k6SSJbB.1.0

    Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept

    Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS

    Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true

    X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN

    X-EdgeConnect-Origin-MEX-Latency: 116

    X-EdgeConnect-Origin-MEX-Latency: 116

    Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000

    Content-Length: 52329

    Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2018 20:50:18 GMT

    Connection: keep-alive

    X-RTag: ARRPrd

    DownloadManager Error: 0 : WinInet download error. Uri:…_expression.png, Error: System.Net.WebException: Url '…_expression.png' returned HTTP status code: 404

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.OpenUrlAndFollowRedirects(Uri& uri, IntPtr& hInetFile)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.DownloadFile(Uri uri, String fileName, String& contentDispositionFileName)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.UI.DownloadServiceImplementation.DownloadFile(Uri uri, String filePath)

    DownloadManager Error: 0 : WebClient download error. Uri:, Error: System.Net.WebException: Der Remoteserver hat einen Fehler zurückgegeben: (404) Nicht gefunden.

    bei System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.UI.DownloadServiceImplementation.DownloadFile(Uri uri, String filePath)

    DownloadManager Error: 0 : WebClient download error. Uri:, Error: System.Net.WebException: Der Remoteserver hat einen Fehler zurückgegeben: (404) Nicht gefunden.

    bei System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.UI.DownloadServiceImplementation.DownloadFile(Uri uri, String filePath)

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : responded with 404

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Response headers:

    HTTP/1.1 404 NOT FOUND

    Server: nginx

    Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2018 20:50:24 GMT

    Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

    Transfer-Encoding: chunked

    Vary: Accept-Encoding

    Vary: Cookie, Accept-Language

    X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN

    Content-Language: en-us

    Set-Cookie: csrftoken=jlwQJUD0NvA9SSIA28jc0tamQlrZyZ7G; expires=Sun, 17-Mar-2019 20:50:24 GMT; Max-Age=31449600; Path=/

    Set-Cookie: sessionid=99414a4556ff141ee92cc386bdf3804a; expires=Sun, 18-Mar-2018 21:10:23 GMT; httponly; Max-Age=1199; Path=/

    Content-Encoding: gzip

    X-Robots-Tag: noindex,nofollow

    DownloadManager Error: 0 : WinInet download error. Uri:, Error: System.Net.WebException: Url '' returned HTTP status code: 404

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.OpenUrlAndFollowRedirects(Uri& uri, IntPtr& hInetFile)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.DownloadFile(Uri uri, String fileName, String& contentDispositionFileName)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.UI.DownloadServiceImplementation.DownloadFile(Uri uri, String filePath)

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : responded with 404

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Response headers:

    HTTP/1.1 404 NOT FOUND

    Server: nginx

    Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2018 20:50:25 GMT

    Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

    Transfer-Encoding: chunked

    Vary: Accept-Encoding

    Vary: Cookie, Accept-Language

    X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN

    Content-Language: en-us

    Set-Cookie: csrftoken=BiRlCnzs8NzWYUAzurpdordMiqFspech; expires=Sun, 17-Mar-2019 20:50:25 GMT; Max-Age=31449600; Path=/

    Set-Cookie: sessionid=c32c1ed779d70d215e025894283c1015; expires=Sun, 18-Mar-2018 21:10:24 GMT; httponly; Max-Age=1199; Path=/

    Content-Encoding: gzip

    X-Robots-Tag: noindex,nofollow

    DownloadManager Error: 0 : WinInet download error. Uri:, Error: System.Net.WebException: Url '' returned HTTP status code: 404

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.OpenUrlAndFollowRedirects(Uri& uri, IntPtr& hInetFile)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.DownloadFile(Uri uri, String fileName, String& contentDispositionFileName)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.UI.DownloadServiceImplementation.DownloadFile(Uri uri, String filePath)

    DownloadManager Error: 0 : WebClient download error. Uri:…_expression.png, Error: System.Net.WebException: Der Remoteserver hat einen Fehler zurückgegeben: (404) Nicht gefunden.

    bei System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.UI.DownloadServiceImplementation.DownloadFile(Uri uri, String filePath)

    DownloadManager Information: 0 :…_expression.png responded with 404

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Response headers:

    HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

    Cache-Control: private

    Content-Type: text/html


    CorrelationVector: WC6fzEYf4U+ugBj2.1.0

    Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept

    Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS

    Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true

    X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN

    X-EdgeConnect-Origin-MEX-Latency: 86

    Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000

    Content-Length: 52329

    X-EdgeConnect-Origin-MEX-Latency: 333

    Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2018 21:05:38 GMT

    Connection: keep-alive

    X-RTag: ARRPrd

    DownloadManager Error: 0 : WinInet download error. Uri:…_expression.png, Error: System.Net.WebException: Url '…_expression.png' returned HTTP status code: 404

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.OpenUrlAndFollowRedirects(Uri& uri, IntPtr& hInetFile)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.DownloadFile(Uri uri, String fileName, String& contentDispositionFileName)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.UI.DownloadServiceImplementation.DownloadFile(Uri uri, String filePath)

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product PHP 7.0.21 (x86) (PHP70) to cart

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product PHP Manager für IIS (PHPManager) to cart

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product Windows Cache Extension 2.0 (x86) for PHP 7.0 (WinCache70x86) to cart

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product URL Rewrite 2.0 (UrlRewrite2) to cart

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product PHP 7.0.21 (x64) (PHP70x64) to cart

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product Windows Cache Extension 2.0 (x64) for PHP 7.0 (WinCache70x64) to cart

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIUpdate does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIBackport does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIIIS6 does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product IIS60 does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Removing product PHP 7.0.21 (x86) (PHP70) from cart

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIIIS6 does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product IIS60 does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIUpdate does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIBackport does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product MySQL Windows 5.5 (MySQL_5_5) to cart

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product MySQL Connector/Net (MySQLConnector) to cart

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIIIS6 does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product IIS60 does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIUpdate does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIBackport does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Removing product Windows Cache Extension 2.0 (x64) for PHP 7.0 (WinCache70x64) from cart

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product Windows Cache Extension 2.0 (x64) for PHP 7.0 (WinCache70x64) to cart

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIIIS6 does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product IIS60 does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIUpdate does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIBackport does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIIIS6 does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product IIS60 does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIUpdate does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIBackport does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIIIS6 does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product IIS60 does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIUpdate does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIBackport does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIIIS6 does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product IIS60 does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIUpdate does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIBackport does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product 'PHPManager'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding dependency product 'PHP53

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product 'WinCache70x86'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding dependency product 'PHP70

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product 'WinCache70x64'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product 'PHP70x64'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding dependency product 'CGI

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product 'UrlRewrite2'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding dependency product 'runphp

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product 'MySQL_5_5'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product 'MySQLConnector'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Setting current install to 1

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Starting install sequence

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Downloading file '…' to: C:\Users\Florian\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpD70D.tmp

    DownloadManager Error: 0 : Error while downloading file '…'. Exception: System.Net.WebException: InternetOpenUrl gab 0x80072F19 zurück: Unknown error 12057.

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.ThrowGetLastErrorException(String offendingFunction)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.OpenUrlAndFollowRedirects(Uri& uri, IntPtr& hInetFile)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.DownloadFile(Uri uri, String fileName, String& contentDispositionFileName)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.InstallManager.WinInetDownloadInstallerFile(InstallerContext currentInstall, String& failureReason)

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : WinInet failure: InternetOpenUrl gab 0x80072F19 zurück: Unknown error 12057.. Retrying download for 'RunPHP Helper'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : WebClient downloading file '…' to: C:\Users\Florian\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpD9CD.tmp

    DownloadManager Error: 0 : WebClient error while downloading file '…'. Exception: System.Net.WebException: Die zugrunde liegende Verbindung wurde geschlossen: Unerwarteter Fehler beim Senden.. ---> System.IO.IOException: Von der Übertragungsverbindung können keine Daten gelesen werden: Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen

    bei System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags)

    bei System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)

    --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---

    bei System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)

    bei System.Net.FixedSizeReader.ReadPacket(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)

    bei System.Net.Security.SslState.StartReceiveBlob(Byte[] buffer, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)

    bei System.Net.Security.SslState.CheckCompletionBeforeNextReceive(ProtocolToken message, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)

    bei System.Net.Security.SslState.StartSendBlob(Byte[] incoming, Int32 count, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)

    bei System.Net.Security.SslState.ForceAuthentication(Boolean receiveFirst, Byte[] buffer, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)

    bei System.Net.Security.SslState.ProcessAuthentication(LazyAsyncResult lazyResult)

    bei System.Net.TlsStream.CallProcessAuthentication(Object state)

    bei System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)

    bei System.Net.TlsStream.ProcessAuthentication(LazyAsyncResult result)

    bei System.Net.TlsStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)

    bei System.Net.PooledStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)

    bei System.Net.ConnectStream.WriteHeaders(Boolean async)

    --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---

    bei System.Net.WebClient.OpenRead(Uri address)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.InstallManager.WebClientDownloadInstallerFile(InstallerContext currentInstall, String& errorMessage)

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : WebClient failure: Die zugrunde liegende Verbindung wurde geschlossen: Unerwarteter Fehler beim Senden... Retrying download for 'RunPHP Helper'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Downloading file '…' to: C:\Users\Florian\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpDCEB.tmp

    DownloadManager Error: 0 : Error while downloading file '…'. Exception: System.Net.WebException: InternetOpenUrl gab 0x80072F19 zurück: Unknown error 12057.

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.ThrowGetLastErrorException(String offendingFunction)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.OpenUrlAndFollowRedirects(Uri& uri, IntPtr& hInetFile)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.DownloadFile(Uri uri, String fileName, String& contentDispositionFileName)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.InstallManager.WinInetDownloadInstallerFile(InstallerContext currentInstall, String& failureReason)

    DownloadManager Error: 0 : WinInet failure: InternetOpenUrl gab 0x80072F19 zurück: Unknown error 12057.. Download failure for RunPHP Helper.

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Downloading file '…amd64_de-DE.msi' to: C:\Users\Florian\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpDE53.tmp

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Content-disposition header: attachment

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Number of bytes downloaded over the internet: '6053888'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Number of bytes after possible decompression: '6053888'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Moving downloaded file 'C:\Users\Florian\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpDE53.tmp' to: C:\Users\Florian\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\installers\UrlRewrite2\7B9F9C049A925231D386E3AC4D55D154F540C69B\rewrite_amd64_de-DE.msi

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Downloading file '…r-net-6.9.7.msi' to: C:\Users\Florian\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpE5E6.tmp

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Starting EXE command for product 'URL Rewrite 2.0'. Commandline is: 'C:\Windows\sysnative\net.exe stop was /y'. Process Id: 5680

    DownloadManager Information: 0 :…r-net-6.9.7.msi responded with 301

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Response headers:

    HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently

    Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2018 21:07:51 GMT

    Server: Apache

    X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN


    Content-Length: 287

    Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1

    DownloadManager Information: 0 :…r-net-6.9.7.msi responded with 302

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Response headers:

    HTTP/1.1 302 Found

    Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2018 21:07:53 GMT

    Server: Apache

    X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN

    Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15768000

    Set-Cookie: MySQL_S=umncd3a8rkn3r6tq9arj5a5mm872jpd7; path=/;; HttpOnly

    Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT

    Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate

    Pragma: no-cache


    X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block

    X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff

    Content-Length: 0

    Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Number of bytes downloaded over the internet: '12177408'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Number of bytes after possible decompression: '12177408'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Moving downloaded file 'C:\Users\Florian\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpE5E6.tmp' to: C:\Users\Florian\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\installers\MySQLConnector\E60C34146B08E8044B531E92EBC7431F75D6E1CF\mysql-connector-net-6.9.7.msi

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Install exit code for product 'URL Rewrite 2.0' is '0'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Ignoring exit code '0' for product 'URL Rewrite 2.0'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Starting EXE command for product 'URL Rewrite 2.0'. Commandline is: 'C:\Windows\sysnative\net.exe stop wmsvc'. Process Id: 9244

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Install exit code for product 'URL Rewrite 2.0' is '2'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Ignoring exit code '2' for product 'URL Rewrite 2.0'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Starting MSI install for msi 'C:\Users\Florian\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\installers\UrlRewrite2\7B9F9C049A925231D386E3AC4D55D154F540C69B\rewrite_amd64_de-DE.msi', commandline: 'ACTION=INSTALL REBOOT=ReallySuppress'

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Dependency failed for product 'PHP 5.3.19'. Skipping download.

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Dependency failed for product 'PHP Manager für IIS'. Skipping download.

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Dependency failed for product 'PHP 7.0.21 (x86)'. Skipping download.

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Dependency failed for product 'Windows Cache Extension 2.0 (x86) for PHP 7.0'. Skipping download.

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Dependency failed for product 'PHP 7.0.21 (x64)'. Skipping download.

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Dependency failed for product 'Windows Cache Extension 2.0 (x64) for PHP 7.0'. Skipping download.

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product PHP 5.3.19 had a dependency fail. Increasing install product to 2

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Downloading file '…5.45-winx64.msi' to: C:\Users\Florian\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpFA88.tmp

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product PHP Manager für IIS had a dependency fail. Increasing install product to 3

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product PHP 7.0.21 (x86) had a dependency fail. Increasing install product to 4

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product Windows Cache Extension 2.0 (x86) for PHP 7.0 had a dependency fail. Increasing install product to 5

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product PHP 7.0.21 (x64) had a dependency fail. Increasing install product to 6

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product Windows Cache Extension 2.0 (x64) for PHP 7.0 had a dependency fail. Increasing install product to 7

    DownloadManager Information: 0 :…5.45-winx64.msi responded with 301

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Response headers:

    HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently

    Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2018 21:07:57 GMT

    Server: Apache

    X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN


    Content-Length: 277

    Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1

    DownloadManager Information: 0 :…5.45-winx64.msi responded with 302

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Response headers:

    HTTP/1.1 302 Found

    Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2018 21:07:57 GMT

    Server: Apache

    X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN

    Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15768000

    Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT

    Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate

    Pragma: no-cache


    X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block

    X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff

    Content-Length: 0

    Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : MSI install return value for product 'URL Rewrite 2.0' is '0'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Starting EXE command for product 'URL Rewrite 2.0'. Commandline is: 'C:\Windows\sysnative\net.exe start w3svc'. Process Id: 7248

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Install exit code for product 'URL Rewrite 2.0' is '0'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Ignoring exit code '0' for product 'URL Rewrite 2.0'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Starting EXE command for product 'URL Rewrite 2.0'. Commandline is: 'C:\Windows\sysnative\net.exe start wmsvc'. Process Id: 10480

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Install exit code for product 'URL Rewrite 2.0' is '2'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Ignoring exit code '2' for product 'URL Rewrite 2.0'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Install return code for product 'URL Rewrite 2.0' is Success

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product URL Rewrite 2.0 done install completed

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Increasing current install to 8

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : URL Rewrite 2.0 installation log: C:\Users\Florian\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\logs\install\2018-03-18T22.07.47\rewrite_amd64_de-DE.txt

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Starting EXE command for product 'IIS: CGI'. Commandline is: 'C:\Windows\sysnative\dism.exe /Online /Enable-Feature /All /NoRestart /featureName:IIS-CGI'. Process Id: 8336

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Number of bytes downloaded over the internet: '43155456'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Number of bytes after possible decompression: '43155456'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Moving downloaded file 'C:\Users\Florian\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpFA88.tmp' to: C:\Users\Florian\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\installers\MySQL_5_5\C7881BF323A79E67DF4C4BEBC696A4201D1F1820\mysql-5.5.45-winx64.msi

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Install exit code for product 'IIS: CGI' is '0'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Install return code for product 'IIS: CGI' is Success

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product IIS: CGI done install completed

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Increasing current install to 9

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Starting EXE command for product 'MySQL Connector/Net'. Commandline is: 'C:\Windows\sysnative\msiexec.exe /x {5FD88490-011C-4DF1-B886-F298D955171B} /qn'. Process Id: 10828

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Install exit code for product 'MySQL Connector/Net' is '1605'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Ignoring exit code '1605' for product 'MySQL Connector/Net'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Starting EXE command for product 'MySQL Connector/Net'. Commandline is: 'C:\Windows\sysnative\msiexec.exe /x {2DDC7E93-29AB-4260-A9DB-697F7FA88157} /qn'. Process Id: 540

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Install exit code for product 'MySQL Connector/Net' is '1605'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Ignoring exit code '1605' for product 'MySQL Connector/Net'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Starting MSI install for msi 'C:\Users\Florian\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\installers\MySQLConnector\E60C34146B08E8044B531E92EBC7431F75D6E1CF\mysql-connector-net-6.9.7.msi', commandline: 'ACTION=INSTALL REBOOT=ReallySuppress'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : MSI install return value for product 'MySQL Connector/Net' is '0'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Install return code for product 'MySQL Connector/Net' is Success

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product MySQL Connector/Net done install completed

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Increasing current install to 10

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : MySQL Connector/Net installation log: C:\Users\Florian\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\logs\install\2018-03-18T22.07.47\mysql-connector-net-6.9.7.txt

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Starting MSI install for msi 'C:\Users\Florian\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\installers\MySQL_5_5\C7881BF323A79E67DF4C4BEBC696A4201D1F1820\mysql-5.5.45-winx64.msi', commandline: 'ACTION=INSTALL REBOOT=ReallySuppress'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : MSI install return value for product 'MySQL Windows 5.5' is '0'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Starting EXE command for product 'MySQL Windows 5.5'. Commandline is: 'C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\bin\MySQLInstanceConfig.exe -q -i "-nMySQL5.5" ServerType=DEVELOPMENT DatabaseType=MIXED ConnectionUsage=DSS Port=3306 ServiceName=MySQL RootPassword="****" StrictMode=yes AddBinToPath=yes Charset=UTF8"'. Process Id: 6012

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Install exit code for product 'MySQL Windows 5.5' is '0'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Install return code for product 'MySQL Windows 5.5' is Success

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product MySQL Windows 5.5 done install completed

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Increasing current install to 11

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : MySQL Windows 5.5 installation log: C:\Users\Florian\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\logs\install\2018-03-18T22.07.47\mysql-5.5.45-winx64.txt

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product: runphp, Install Status: DownloadFailed-None, Install Time: 00:00:00

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product: UrlRewrite2, Install Status: InstallCompleted-Success, Install Time: 00:00:11.9400695

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product: CGI, Install Status: InstallCompleted-Success, Install Time: 00:00:35.5752530

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product: MySQLConnector, Install Status: InstallCompleted-Success, Install Time: 00:00:06.5785528

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product: PHP53, Install Status: DependencyFailed-None, Install Time: 00:00:00

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product: PHPManager, Install Status: DependencyFailed-None, Install Time: 00:00:00

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product: PHP70, Install Status: DependencyFailed-None, Install Time: 00:00:00

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product: WinCache70x86, Install Status: DependencyFailed-None, Install Time: 00:00:00

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product: PHP70x64, Install Status: DependencyFailed-None, Install Time: 00:00:00

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product: WinCache70x64, Install Status: DependencyFailed-None, Install Time: 00:00:00

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product: MySQL_5_5, Install Status: InstallCompleted-Success, Install Time: 00:00:27.7241134

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Clearing cart

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product PHP 7.0.21 (x64) (PHP70x64) to cart

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product PHP Manager für IIS (PHPManager) to cart

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product Windows Cache Extension 2.0 (x64) for PHP 7.0 (WinCache70x64) to cart

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIBackport does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIIIS6 does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product IIS60 does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIBackport does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIIIS6 does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product IIS60 does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIBackport does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIIIS6 does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product IIS60 does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product 'WinCache70x64'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product 'PHP70x64'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product 'PHPManager'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding dependency product 'PHP53

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding dependency product 'runphp

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Setting current install to 1

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Starting install sequence

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Downloading file '…' to: C:\Users\Florian\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp97F6.tmp

    DownloadManager Error: 0 : Error while downloading file '…'. Exception: System.Net.WebException: InternetOpenUrl gab 0x80072F19 zurück: Unknown error 12057.

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.ThrowGetLastErrorException(String offendingFunction)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.OpenUrlAndFollowRedirects(Uri& uri, IntPtr& hInetFile)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.DownloadFile(Uri uri, String fileName, String& contentDispositionFileName)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.InstallManager.WinInetDownloadInstallerFile(InstallerContext currentInstall, String& failureReason)

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : WinInet failure: InternetOpenUrl gab 0x80072F19 zurück: Unknown error 12057.. Retrying download for 'RunPHP Helper'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : WebClient downloading file '…' to: C:\Users\Florian\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp9AE5.tmp

    DownloadManager Error: 0 : WebClient error while downloading file '…'. Exception: System.Net.WebException: Die zugrunde liegende Verbindung wurde geschlossen: Unerwarteter Fehler beim Senden.. ---> System.IO.IOException: Von der Übertragungsverbindung können keine Daten gelesen werden: Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen

    bei System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags)

    bei System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)

    --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---

    bei System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)

    bei System.Net.FixedSizeReader.ReadPacket(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)

    bei System.Net.Security.SslState.StartReceiveBlob(Byte[] buffer, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)

    bei System.Net.Security.SslState.CheckCompletionBeforeNextReceive(ProtocolToken message, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)

    bei System.Net.Security.SslState.StartSendBlob(Byte[] incoming, Int32 count, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)

    bei System.Net.Security.SslState.ForceAuthentication(Boolean receiveFirst, Byte[] buffer, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)

    bei System.Net.Security.SslState.ProcessAuthentication(LazyAsyncResult lazyResult)

    bei System.Net.TlsStream.CallProcessAuthentication(Object state)

    bei System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)

    bei System.Net.TlsStream.ProcessAuthentication(LazyAsyncResult result)

    bei System.Net.TlsStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)

    bei System.Net.PooledStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)

    bei System.Net.ConnectStream.WriteHeaders(Boolean async)

    --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---

    bei System.Net.WebClient.OpenRead(Uri address)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.InstallManager.WebClientDownloadInstallerFile(InstallerContext currentInstall, String& errorMessage)

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : WebClient failure: Die zugrunde liegende Verbindung wurde geschlossen: Unerwarteter Fehler beim Senden... Retrying download for 'RunPHP Helper'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Downloading file '…' to: C:\Users\Florian\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp9E80.tmp

    DownloadManager Error: 0 : Error while downloading file '…'. Exception: System.Net.WebException: InternetOpenUrl gab 0x80072F19 zurück: Unknown error 12057.

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.ThrowGetLastErrorException(String offendingFunction)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.OpenUrlAndFollowRedirects(Uri& uri, IntPtr& hInetFile)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.DownloadFile(Uri uri, String fileName, String& contentDispositionFileName)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.InstallManager.WinInetDownloadInstallerFile(InstallerContext currentInstall, String& failureReason)

    DownloadManager Error: 0 : WinInet failure: InternetOpenUrl gab 0x80072F19 zurück: Unknown error 12057.. Download failure for RunPHP Helper.

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Dependency failed for product 'PHP 5.3.19'. Skipping download.

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Dependency failed for product 'PHP Manager für IIS'. Skipping download.

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Dependency failed for product 'PHP 7.0.21 (x64)'. Skipping download.

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product PHP 5.3.19 had a dependency fail. Increasing install product to 2

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product PHP Manager für IIS had a dependency fail. Increasing install product to 3

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product PHP 7.0.21 (x64) had a dependency fail. Increasing install product to 4

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Dependency failed for product 'Windows Cache Extension 2.0 (x64) for PHP 7.0'. Skipping download.

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product Windows Cache Extension 2.0 (x64) for PHP 7.0 had a dependency fail. Increasing install product to 5

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product: runphp, Install Status: DownloadFailed-None, Install Time: 00:00:00

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product: PHP53, Install Status: DependencyFailed-None, Install Time: 00:00:00

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product: PHPManager, Install Status: DependencyFailed-None, Install Time: 00:00:00

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product: PHP70x64, Install Status: DependencyFailed-None, Install Time: 00:00:00

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product: WinCache70x64, Install Status: DependencyFailed-None, Install Time: 00:00:00

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Clearing cart

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product PHP 7.0.21 (x64) (PHP70x64) to cart

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product PHP Manager für IIS (PHPManager) to cart

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product Windows Cache Extension 2.0 (x64) for PHP 7.0 (WinCache70x64) to cart

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIBackport does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIIIS6 does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product IIS60 does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIBackport does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIIIS6 does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product IIS60 does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIBackport does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIIIS6 does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product IIS60 does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product 'WinCache70x64'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product 'PHP70x64'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product 'PHPManager'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding dependency product 'PHP53

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding dependency product 'runphp

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Setting current install to 1

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Starting install sequence

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Downloading file '…' to: C:\Users\Florian\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp2EF9.tmp

    DownloadManager Error: 0 : Error while downloading file '…'. Exception: System.Net.WebException: InternetOpenUrl gab 0x80072F19 zurück: Unknown error 12057.

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.ThrowGetLastErrorException(String offendingFunction)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.OpenUrlAndFollowRedirects(Uri& uri, IntPtr& hInetFile)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.DownloadFile(Uri uri, String fileName, String& contentDispositionFileName)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.InstallManager.WinInetDownloadInstallerFile(InstallerContext currentInstall, String& failureReason)

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : WinInet failure: InternetOpenUrl gab 0x80072F19 zurück: Unknown error 12057.. Retrying download for 'RunPHP Helper'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : WebClient downloading file '…' to: C:\Users\Florian\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp30B0.tmp

    DownloadManager Error: 0 : WebClient error while downloading file '…'. Exception: System.Net.WebException: Die zugrunde liegende Verbindung wurde geschlossen: Unerwarteter Fehler beim Senden.. ---> System.IO.IOException: Von der Übertragungsverbindung können keine Daten gelesen werden: Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen

    bei System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags)

    bei System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)

    --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---

    bei System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)

    bei System.Net.FixedSizeReader.ReadPacket(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)

    bei System.Net.Security.SslState.StartReceiveBlob(Byte[] buffer, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)

    bei System.Net.Security.SslState.CheckCompletionBeforeNextReceive(ProtocolToken message, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)

    bei System.Net.Security.SslState.StartSendBlob(Byte[] incoming, Int32 count, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)

    bei System.Net.Security.SslState.ForceAuthentication(Boolean receiveFirst, Byte[] buffer, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)

    bei System.Net.Security.SslState.ProcessAuthentication(LazyAsyncResult lazyResult)

    bei System.Net.TlsStream.CallProcessAuthentication(Object state)

    bei System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)

    bei System.Net.TlsStream.ProcessAuthentication(LazyAsyncResult result)

    bei System.Net.TlsStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)

    bei System.Net.PooledStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)

    bei System.Net.ConnectStream.WriteHeaders(Boolean async)

    --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---

    bei System.Net.WebClient.OpenRead(Uri address)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.InstallManager.WebClientDownloadInstallerFile(InstallerContext currentInstall, String& errorMessage)

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : WebClient failure: Die zugrunde liegende Verbindung wurde geschlossen: Unerwarteter Fehler beim Senden... Retrying download for 'RunPHP Helper'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Downloading file '…' to: C:\Users\Florian\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp3370.tmp

    DownloadManager Error: 0 : Error while downloading file '…'. Exception: System.Net.WebException: InternetOpenUrl gab 0x80072F19 zurück: Unknown error 12057.

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.ThrowGetLastErrorException(String offendingFunction)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.OpenUrlAndFollowRedirects(Uri& uri, IntPtr& hInetFile)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.DownloadFile(Uri uri, String fileName, String& contentDispositionFileName)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.InstallManager.WinInetDownloadInstallerFile(InstallerContext currentInstall, String& failureReason)

    DownloadManager Error: 0 : WinInet failure: InternetOpenUrl gab 0x80072F19 zurück: Unknown error 12057.. Download failure for RunPHP Helper.

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Dependency failed for product 'PHP 5.3.19'. Skipping download.

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Dependency failed for product 'PHP Manager für IIS'. Skipping download.

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Dependency failed for product 'PHP 7.0.21 (x64)'. Skipping download.

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product PHP 5.3.19 had a dependency fail. Increasing install product to 2

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product PHP Manager für IIS had a dependency fail. Increasing install product to 3

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Dependency failed for product 'Windows Cache Extension 2.0 (x64) for PHP 7.0'. Skipping download.

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product PHP 7.0.21 (x64) had a dependency fail. Increasing install product to 4

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product Windows Cache Extension 2.0 (x64) for PHP 7.0 had a dependency fail. Increasing install product to 5

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product: runphp, Install Status: DownloadFailed-None, Install Time: 00:00:00

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product: PHP53, Install Status: DependencyFailed-None, Install Time: 00:00:00

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product: PHPManager, Install Status: DependencyFailed-None, Install Time: 00:00:00

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product: PHP70x64, Install Status: DependencyFailed-None, Install Time: 00:00:00

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product: WinCache70x64, Install Status: DependencyFailed-None, Install Time: 00:00:00

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Clearing cart

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product PHP 7.0.21 (x64) (PHP70x64) to cart

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product PHP Manager für IIS (PHPManager) to cart

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product Windows Cache Extension 2.0 (x64) for PHP 7.0 (WinCache70x64) to cart

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIBackport does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIIIS6 does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product IIS60 does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIBackport does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIIIS6 does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product IIS60 does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIBackport does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIIIS6 does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product IIS60 does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product 'WinCache70x64'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product 'PHP70x64'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product 'PHPManager'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding dependency product 'PHP53

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding dependency product 'runphp

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Setting current install to 1

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Starting install sequence

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Downloading file '…' to: C:\Users\Florian\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp1273.tmp

    DownloadManager Error: 0 : Error while downloading file '…'. Exception: System.Net.WebException: InternetOpenUrl gab 0x80072F19 zurück: Unknown error 12057.

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.ThrowGetLastErrorException(String offendingFunction)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.OpenUrlAndFollowRedirects(Uri& uri, IntPtr& hInetFile)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.DownloadFile(Uri uri, String fileName, String& contentDispositionFileName)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.InstallManager.WinInetDownloadInstallerFile(InstallerContext currentInstall, String& failureReason)

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : WinInet failure: InternetOpenUrl gab 0x80072F19 zurück: Unknown error 12057.. Retrying download for 'RunPHP Helper'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : WebClient downloading file '…' to: C:\Users\Florian\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp142A.tmp

    DownloadManager Error: 0 : WebClient error while downloading file '…'. Exception: System.Net.WebException: Die zugrunde liegende Verbindung wurde geschlossen: Unerwarteter Fehler beim Senden.. ---> System.IO.IOException: Von der Übertragungsverbindung können keine Daten gelesen werden: Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen

    bei System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags)

    bei System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)

    --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---

    bei System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)

    bei System.Net.FixedSizeReader.ReadPacket(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)

    bei System.Net.Security.SslState.StartReceiveBlob(Byte[] buffer, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)

    bei System.Net.Security.SslState.CheckCompletionBeforeNextReceive(ProtocolToken message, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)

    bei System.Net.Security.SslState.StartSendBlob(Byte[] incoming, Int32 count, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)

    bei System.Net.Security.SslState.ForceAuthentication(Boolean receiveFirst, Byte[] buffer, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)

    bei System.Net.Security.SslState.ProcessAuthentication(LazyAsyncResult lazyResult)

    bei System.Net.TlsStream.CallProcessAuthentication(Object state)

    bei System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)

    bei System.Net.TlsStream.ProcessAuthentication(LazyAsyncResult result)

    bei System.Net.TlsStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)

    bei System.Net.PooledStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)

    bei System.Net.ConnectStream.WriteHeaders(Boolean async)

    --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---

    bei System.Net.WebClient.OpenRead(Uri address)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.InstallManager.WebClientDownloadInstallerFile(InstallerContext currentInstall, String& errorMessage)

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : WebClient failure: Die zugrunde liegende Verbindung wurde geschlossen: Unerwarteter Fehler beim Senden... Retrying download for 'RunPHP Helper'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Downloading file '…' to: C:\Users\Florian\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp1719.tmp

    DownloadManager Error: 0 : Error while downloading file '…'. Exception: System.Net.WebException: InternetOpenUrl gab 0x80072F19 zurück: Unknown error 12057.

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.ThrowGetLastErrorException(String offendingFunction)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.OpenUrlAndFollowRedirects(Uri& uri, IntPtr& hInetFile)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.DownloadFile(Uri uri, String fileName, String& contentDispositionFileName)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.InstallManager.WinInetDownloadInstallerFile(InstallerContext currentInstall, String& failureReason)

    DownloadManager Error: 0 : WinInet failure: InternetOpenUrl gab 0x80072F19 zurück: Unknown error 12057.. Download failure for RunPHP Helper.

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Dependency failed for product 'PHP 5.3.19'. Skipping download.

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Dependency failed for product 'PHP Manager für IIS'. Skipping download.

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Dependency failed for product 'PHP 7.0.21 (x64)'. Skipping download.

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Dependency failed for product 'Windows Cache Extension 2.0 (x64) for PHP 7.0'. Skipping download.

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product PHP 5.3.19 had a dependency fail. Increasing install product to 2

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product PHP Manager für IIS had a dependency fail. Increasing install product to 3

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product PHP 7.0.21 (x64) had a dependency fail. Increasing install product to 4

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product Windows Cache Extension 2.0 (x64) for PHP 7.0 had a dependency fail. Increasing install product to 5

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product: runphp, Install Status: DownloadFailed-None, Install Time: 00:00:00

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product: PHP53, Install Status: DependencyFailed-None, Install Time: 00:00:00

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product: PHPManager, Install Status: DependencyFailed-None, Install Time: 00:00:00

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product: PHP70x64, Install Status: DependencyFailed-None, Install Time: 00:00:00

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product: WinCache70x64, Install Status: DependencyFailed-None, Install Time: 00:00:00

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Clearing cart

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product PHP 7.0.21 (x64) (PHP70x64) to cart

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product PHP Manager für IIS (PHPManager) to cart

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product Windows Cache Extension 2.0 (x64) for PHP 7.0 (WinCache70x64) to cart

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIBackport does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIIIS6 does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product IIS60 does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIBackport does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIIIS6 does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product IIS60 does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIBackport does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product FastCGIIIS6 does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product IIS60 does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product 'WinCache70x64'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product 'PHP70x64'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product 'PHPManager'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding dependency product 'PHP53

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding dependency product 'runphp

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Setting current install to 1

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Starting install sequence

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Downloading file '…' to: C:\Users\Florian\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp5594.tmp

    DownloadManager Error: 0 : Error while downloading file '…'. Exception: System.Net.WebException: InternetOpenUrl gab 0x80072F19 zurück: Unknown error 12057.

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.ThrowGetLastErrorException(String offendingFunction)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.OpenUrlAndFollowRedirects(Uri& uri, IntPtr& hInetFile)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.DownloadFile(Uri uri, String fileName, String& contentDispositionFileName)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.InstallManager.WinInetDownloadInstallerFile(InstallerContext currentInstall, String& failureReason)

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : WinInet failure: InternetOpenUrl gab 0x80072F19 zurück: Unknown error 12057.. Retrying download for 'RunPHP Helper'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : WebClient downloading file '…' to: C:\Users\Florian\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp574B.tmp

    DownloadManager Error: 0 : WebClient error while downloading file '…'. Exception: System.Net.WebException: Die zugrunde liegende Verbindung wurde geschlossen: Unerwarteter Fehler beim Senden.. ---> System.IO.IOException: Von der Übertragungsverbindung können keine Daten gelesen werden: Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen

    bei System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags)

    bei System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)

    --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---

    bei System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)

    bei System.Net.FixedSizeReader.ReadPacket(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)

    bei System.Net.Security.SslState.StartReceiveBlob(Byte[] buffer, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)

    bei System.Net.Security.SslState.CheckCompletionBeforeNextReceive(ProtocolToken message, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)

    bei System.Net.Security.SslState.StartSendBlob(Byte[] incoming, Int32 count, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)

    bei System.Net.Security.SslState.ForceAuthentication(Boolean receiveFirst, Byte[] buffer, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)

    bei System.Net.Security.SslState.ProcessAuthentication(LazyAsyncResult lazyResult)

    bei System.Net.TlsStream.CallProcessAuthentication(Object state)

    bei System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)

    bei System.Net.TlsStream.ProcessAuthentication(LazyAsyncResult result)

    bei System.Net.TlsStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)

    bei System.Net.PooledStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)

    bei System.Net.ConnectStream.WriteHeaders(Boolean async)

    --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---

    bei System.Net.WebClient.OpenRead(Uri address)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.InstallManager.WebClientDownloadInstallerFile(InstallerContext currentInstall, String& errorMessage)

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : WebClient failure: Die zugrunde liegende Verbindung wurde geschlossen: Unerwarteter Fehler beim Senden... Retrying download for 'RunPHP Helper'

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Downloading file '…' to: C:\Users\Florian\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp5A88.tmp

    DownloadManager Error: 0 : Error while downloading file '…'. Exception: System.Net.WebException: InternetOpenUrl gab 0x80072F19 zurück: Unknown error 12057.

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.ThrowGetLastErrorException(String offendingFunction)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.OpenUrlAndFollowRedirects(Uri& uri, IntPtr& hInetFile)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ManagedWinInet.DownloadFile(Uri uri, String fileName, String& contentDispositionFileName)

    bei Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.InstallManager.WinInetDownloadInstallerFile(InstallerContext currentInstall, String& failureReason)

    DownloadManager Error: 0 : WinInet failure: InternetOpenUrl gab 0x80072F19 zurück: Unknown error 12057.. Download failure for RunPHP Helper.

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Dependency failed for product 'PHP 5.3.19'. Skipping download.

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Dependency failed for product 'PHP Manager für IIS'. Skipping download.

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Dependency failed for product 'PHP 7.0.21 (x64)'. Skipping download.

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product PHP 5.3.19 had a dependency fail. Increasing install product to 2

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product PHP Manager für IIS had a dependency fail. Increasing install product to 3

    DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Dependency failed for product 'Windows Cache Extension 2.0 (x64) for PHP 7.0'. Skipping download.

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product PHP 7.0.21 (x64) had a dependency fail. Increasing install product to 4

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product Windows Cache Extension 2.0 (x64) for PHP 7.0 had a dependency fail. Increasing install product to 5

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product: runphp, Install Status: DownloadFailed-None, Install Time: 00:00:00

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product: PHP53, Install Status: DependencyFailed-None, Install Time: 00:00:00

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product: PHPManager, Install Status: DependencyFailed-None, Install Time: 00:00:00

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product: PHP70x64, Install Status: DependencyFailed-None, Install Time: 00:00:00

    DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product: WinCache70x64, Install Status: DependencyFailed-None, Install Time: 00:00:00