Beiträge von Marku

    Das ging schnell. Ich schick dir eben mal die Config.

    Vielen dank!

    Spoiler anzeigen

    if(!defined('IN_INDEX')) { die('Sorry, you cannot access this file.'); }

    #Please fill this all out.

    #NOTE: To set up TheHabbos.ORG's API go to wwwroot/mysite/thehabbos_api for IIS, OR, htdocs/thehabbos_api for XAMPP and others.

    * MySQL management

    $_CONFIG['mysql']['connection_type'] = 'pconnect'; //Type of connection: It must be connect, or pconnect: if you want a persistent connection.

    $_CONFIG['mysql']['hostname'] = 'localhost'; //MySQL host

    $_CONFIG['mysql']['username'] = 'root'; //MySQL username

    $_CONFIG['mysql']['password'] = 'bvbSwpaW'; //MySQL password

    $_CONFIG['mysql']['database'] = 'rev'; //MySQL database

    $_CONFIG['mysql']['port'] = '3306'; //MySQL's port

    * Hotel management - All URLs do not end with an "/"

    $_CONFIG['hotel']['server_ip'] = 'localhost'; //IP Of VPS, Proxy server, etc.

    $_CONFIG['hotel']['server_port'] = '30000'; //The port your emulator uses/the port your proxy host have gave you.

    $_CONFIG['hotel']['url'] = ''; //Does not end with a "/"

    $_CONFIG['hotel']['name'] = 'MyHabbo'; // Hotel's name

    $_CONFIG['hotel']['desc'] = 'das neue MyHabbo!'; //Hotel's description

    $_CONFIG['hotel']['owner-1'] = 'Lewis'; // Owner 1

    $_CONFIG['hotel']['owner-2'] = 'Aaron'; // Owner 2

    $_CONFIG['hotel']['footer'] = $_CONFIG['hotel']['name'] . ' ' . 'is powered by RevCMS and hosted by <a href = "">RangeHosts</a>.'; // Hotel's name

    $_CONFIG['hotel']['email'] = ''; //Where the help queries from users are emailed to. Priv skin

    $_CONFIG['hotel']['in_maint'] = false; //False if hotel is NOT in maintenance. True if hotel IS in maintenance

    $_CONFIG['hotel']['motto'] = 'I <3 MyHabbo ' . $_CONFIG['hotel']['name']; //Default motto users will register with.

    $_CONFIG['hotel']['credits'] = 5000; //Default number of credits users will register with.

    $_CONFIG['hotel']['pixels'] = 10000; //Default number of pixels users will register with.

    $_CONFIG['hotel']['figure'] = ''; //Default figure users will register with.

    $_CONFIG['hotel']['web_build'] = '63_1dc60c6d6ea6e089c6893ab4e0541ee0/527'; //Web_Build

    $_CONFIG['hotel']['external_vars'] = ''; //URL to your external vars

    $_CONFIG['hotel']['external_texts'] = ''; //URL to your external texts

    $_CONFIG['hotel']['product_data'] = ''; //URL to your productdata

    $_CONFIG['hotel']['furni_data'] = ''; //URL to your furnidata

    $_CONFIG['hotel']['swf_folder'] = ''; //URL to your SWF folder(does not end with a '/')

    * Templating management - Pick one of our default styles or make yours by following our examples!

    #RevCMS has 2 default styles, 'Mango' by dannyy94 and 'Priv' by joopie - Others styles are to come, such as RastaLulz's ProCMS style and Nominal's PhoenixCMS 4.0 style.

    $_CONFIG['template']['style'] = 'Project Habbo';

    * Other topsites.. thing

    $_CONFIG['thehabbos']['username'] = 'LiKeAsTaR';
    $_CONFIG['retro_top']['user'] = 'LiKeAsTaR';

    * Social Networking stuff
    // Twitter
    $_CONFIG['hotel']['twitter'] = 'Habbo'; //Twitter Username
    $_CONFIG['hotel']['twitterwidget_id'] = '345163210678206465'; //Twiter Widget ID

    $_CONFIG['hotel']['facebook'] = 'MyHabboNew'; //Facebook Username


    Ahhhh.. Geht nun danke!...
    Ich werde jedoch auf Retropresse weitergeleitet.
    Liegt das auch an Config?

    Hey ihr, ich wollte eben eine neue CMS testen und herumspielen, jedoch lässt sich das CMS nicht öffnen.…g-EMU/?pageNo=7

    Folgende Meldung kommt, wenn ich die Seite aufrufen will:

    Warning: mysql_pconnect() [function.mysql-pconnect]: Access denied for user 'root' Localhost (using password: YES) in C:\xampp\htdocs\app\class.engine.php on line 48
    MySQL Engine - RevCMS:
    MySQL could not connect to host

    Im Ordner befindet sich folgender Text:


    namespace Revolution;
    if(!defined('IN_INDEX')) { die('Sorry, you cannot access this file.'); }
    class engine
    private $initiated;
    private $connected;
    private $connection;
    final public function Initiate()
    global $_CONFIG;
    $this->setMySQL('connect', mysql_connect);
    $this->setMySQL('pconnect', mysql_pconnect);
    $this->setMysql('select_db', mysql_select_db);
    $this->setMySQL('query', mysql_query);
    $this->setMySQL('num_rows', mysql_num_rows);
    $this->setMySQL('fetch_assoc', mysql_fetch_assoc);
    $this->setMySQL('result', mysql_result);
    $this->setMySQL('free_result', mysql_free_result);
    $this->setMySQL('escape_string', mysql_real_escape_string);

    $this->initiated = true;

    final public function setMySQL($key, $value)
    $this->mysql[$key] = $value;
    /*-------------------------------Manage Connection-------------------------------------*/
    final public function connect($type)
    global $core, $_CONFIG;
    $this->connection = $this->mysql[$type]($_CONFIG['mysql']['hostname'], $_CONFIG['mysql']['username'], $_CONFIG['mysql']['password']);

    $mydatabase = $this->mysql['select_db']($_CONFIG['mysql']['database'], $this->connection);

    $this->connected = true;
    $core->systemError('MySQL Engine', 'MySQL could not connect to database');
    $core->systemError('MySQL Engine', 'MySQL could not connect to host');
    final public function disconnect()
    global $core;
    $this->connected = false;
    $core->systemError('MySQL Engine', 'MySQL could not disconnect.');
    /*-------------------------------Secure MySQL variables-------------------------------------*/
    final public function secure($var)
    return $this->mysql['escape_string'](stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($var)));
    /*-------------------------------Manage MySQL queries-------------------------------------*/
    final public function query($sql)
    return $this->mysql['query']($sql, $this->connection) or die(mysql_error());
    final public function num_rows($sql)
    return $this->mysql['num_rows']($this->mysql['query']($sql, $this->connection));
    final public function result($sql)
    return $this->mysql['result']($this->mysql['query']($sql, $this->connection), 0);
    final public function free_result($sql)
    return $this->mysql['free_result']($sql);
    final public function fetch_array($sql)
    $query = $this->mysql['query']($sql, $this->connection);

    $data = array();

    while($row = $this->mysql['fetch_array']($query))
    $data[] = $row;

    return $data;
    final public function fetch_assoc($sql)
    return $this->mysql['fetch_assoc']($this->mysql['query']($sql, $this->connection));


    Hey ihr, ich bräuchte eure Hilfe.

    Ich benutze das TCCMSFULL und habe im Index.php ein Fehler, welcher die Homepage nicht öffnen lässt.
    Folgender hinweis erscheint, sobald man auf /Localhost zugreifen will.

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function session_status() in C:\xampp\htdocs\Index.php on line 22
