You're doing it wrong then. Put a breakpoint on the Parse function and just step through the code to see where exactly it fails.
Don't have error in logs
You're doing it wrong then. Put a breakpoint on the Parse function and just step through the code to see where exactly it fails.
Don't have error in logs
Use a debugger.
It didn't help at all.
floorplan does not work on some models
Don't work this model
my code:
class SaveFloorPlanModelEvent : IPacketEvent
public void Parse(HabboHotel.GameClients.GameClient Session, ClientPacket Packet)
if (!Session.GetHabbo().InRoom)
Room Room = Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom;
if (Room == null || Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoomId != Room.Id || !Room.CheckRights(Session, true))
char[] validLetters =
'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g',
'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', '\r'
string Map = Packet.PopString().ToLower().TrimEnd();
if (Map.Length > 4096) //4096 + New Lines = 4159
Session.SendMessage(new RoomNotificationComposer("floorplan_editor.error", "errors", "(%%%general%%%): %%%too_large_area%%% (%%%max%%% 2048 %%%tiles%%%)"));
if (Map.Any(letter => !validLetters.Contains(letter)) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(Map))
Session.SendMessage(new RoomNotificationComposer("floorplan_editor.error", "errors", "Oops, it appears that you have entered an invalid floor map!"));
var modelData = Map.Split('\r');
int SizeY = modelData.Length;
int SizeX = modelData[0].Length;
if (SizeY > 64 || SizeX > 64)
Session.SendMessage(new RoomNotificationComposer("floorplan_editor.error", "errors", "The maximum height and width of a model is 64x64!"));
int lastLineLength = 0;
bool isValid = true;
for (int i = 0; i < modelData.Length; i++)
if (lastLineLength == 0)
lastLineLength = modelData[i].Length;
if (lastLineLength != modelData[i].Length)
isValid = false;
if (!isValid)
Session.SendMessage(new RoomNotificationComposer("floorplan_editor.error", "errors", "Oops, it appears that you have entered an invalid floor map!"));
int DoorX = Packet.PopInt();
int DoorY = Packet.PopInt();
int DoorDirection = Packet.PopInt();
int WallThick = Packet.PopInt();
int FloorThick = Packet.PopInt();
int WallHeight = Packet.PopInt();
int DoorZ = 0;
DoorZ = parse(modelData[DoorY][DoorX]);
catch { }
if (WallThick > 1)
WallThick = 1;
if (WallThick < -2)
WallThick = -2;
if (FloorThick > 1)
FloorThick = 1;
if (FloorThick < -2)
WallThick = -2;
if (WallHeight < 0)
WallHeight = 0;
if (WallHeight > 15)
WallHeight = 15;
string ModelName = "model_bc_" + Room.Id;
Map += '\r' + new string('x', SizeX);
DataRow Row = null;
using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = OreoServer.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor())
dbClient.SetQuery("SELECT * FROM `room_models` WHERE `id` = @model AND `custom` = '1' LIMIT 1");
dbClient.AddParameter("model", "model_bc_" + Room.Id);
Row = dbClient.getRow();
if (Row == null)//The row is still null, let's insert instead.
dbClient.SetQuery("INSERT INTO `room_models` (`id`,`door_x`,`door_y`, `door_z`, `door_dir`,`heightmap`,`custom`,`wall_height`) VALUES (@ModelName, @DoorX, @DoorY, @DoorZ, @DoorDirection, @Map,'1',@WallHeight)");
dbClient.AddParameter("ModelName", "model_bc_" + Room.Id);
dbClient.AddParameter("DoorX", DoorX);
dbClient.AddParameter("DoorY", DoorY);
dbClient.AddParameter("DoorDirection", DoorDirection);
dbClient.AddParameter("DoorZ", DoorZ);
dbClient.AddParameter("Map", Map);
dbClient.AddParameter("WallHeight", WallHeight);
dbClient.SetQuery("UPDATE `room_models` SET `heightmap` = @Map, `door_x` = @DoorX, `door_y` = @DoorY, `door_z` = @DoorZ, `door_dir` = @DoorDirection, `wall_height` = @WallHeight WHERE `id` = @ModelName LIMIT 1");
dbClient.AddParameter("ModelName", "model_bc_" + Room.Id);
dbClient.AddParameter("Map", Map);
dbClient.AddParameter("DoorX", DoorX);
dbClient.AddParameter("DoorY", DoorY);
dbClient.AddParameter("DoorZ", DoorZ);
dbClient.AddParameter("DoorDirection", DoorDirection);
dbClient.AddParameter("WallHeight", WallHeight);
dbClient.SetQuery("UPDATE `rooms` SET `model_name` = @ModelName, `wallthick` = @WallThick, `floorthick` = @FloorThick WHERE `id` = '" + Room.Id + "' LIMIT 1");
dbClient.AddParameter("ModelName", "model_bc_" + Room.Id);
dbClient.AddParameter("WallThick", WallThick);
dbClient.AddParameter("FloorThick", FloorThick);
Room.RoomData.ModelName = ModelName;
Room.RoomData.WallThickness = WallThick;
Room.RoomData.FloorThickness = FloorThick;
List<RoomUser> UsersToReturn = Room.GetRoomUserManager().GetRoomUsers().ToList();
OreoServer.GetGame().GetRoomManager().UnloadRoom(Room, true);
foreach (RoomUser User in UsersToReturn)
if (User == null || User.GetClient() == null)
User.GetClient().SendMessage(new RoomForwardComposer(Room.Id));
public static short parse(char input)
switch (input)
case '0':
return 0;
case '1':
return 1;
case '2':
return 2;
case '3':
return 3;
case '4':
return 4;
case '5':
return 5;
case '6':
return 6;
case '7':
return 7;
case '8':
return 8;
case '9':
return 9;
case 'a':
return 10;
case 'b':
return 11;
case 'c':
return 12;
case 'd':
return 13;
case 'e':
return 14;
case 'f':
return 15;
case 'g':
return 16;
case 'h':
return 17;
case 'i':
return 18;
case 'j':
return 19;
case 'k':
return 20;
case 'l':
return 21;
case 'm':
return 22;
case 'n':
return 23;
case 'o':
return 24;
case 'p':
return 25;
case 'q':
return 26;
case 'r':
return 27;
case 's':
return 28;
case 't':
return 29;
case 'u':
return 30;
case 'v':
return 31;
case 'w':
return 32;
Alles anzeigen
Please close this topic, i already fix it