Beiträge von king-ddd
Sry, vergessen zu sagen. Probier das ganze grad auf localhost.
Nein, leider nicht
Hey Leute,
ich hänge bei 76% im Client. Hab die BrainCMS 1.8.0 und den PlusEMU (alles von retroripper).
Ich hab auch schon ander swfs ausprobiert. Leider hat mich keine weiter als 76% gebracht.PHP: brain-config.php
Alles anzeigen<?php if(!defined('BRAIN_CMS')) { die('Sorry but you cannot access this file!'); } /* Database Setting */ $db['host'] = ''; //Mysql's Host $db['port'] = '3306'; //Mysql's port $db['user'] = "root"; //Mysql's user $db['pass'] = ''; //Mysql's password $db['db'] = "habbo"; //Mysql's database /* Emu Settings */ $config['hotelEmu'] = 'plusemu'; // plusemu // arcturus /* Client Setting */ $hotel['emuHost'] = "localhost"; //IP of VPS//IP of Proxy $hotel['emuPort'] = "30000"; //Port of VPS//Port of Proxy $hotel['staffCheckClient'] = false; //Enable the staff pin in the client (true) or disable it (false) $hotel['staffCheckClientMinimumRank'] = 3; //Minium staff rank to get the staff pin in the client $hotel['homeRoom'] = '0'; //Set the start room when you get in the hotel $hotel['external_Variables'] = ""; $hotel['external_Variables_Override'] = ""; $hotel['external_Texts'] = ""; $hotel['external_Texts_Override'] = ""; $hotel['productdata'] = ""; $hotel['furnidata'] = ""; $hotel['figuremap'] = ""; $hotel['figuredata'] = ""; $hotel['swfFolder'] = ""; $hotel['swfFolderSwf'] = ""; $hotel['onlineCounter'] = true; // Enable the user count in the client. $hotel['diamonds.enabled'] = true; // Enable diamonds in the hotel. /* Website Setting */ $config['hotelUrl'] = "";//Address of your hotel. Does not end with a "/" $config['skin'] = "brain"; //Skin/template of your website $config['lang'] = "en"; //Language of your website en/nl/es $config['hotelName'] = "Brain"; //Name of your hotel $config['favicon'] = ""; $config['staffCheckHk'] = false; //Enable the staff pin in the housekeeping (true) or disable it (false) $config['staffCheckHkMinimumRank'] = 3; //Minium staff rank to get the staff pin in the housekeeping $config['maintenance'] = false; //Enable the maintenance of your website (true) or disable it (false) $config['maintenancekMinimumRankLogin'] = 3; //Minium staff rank to login when the website is in maintenance $config['groupBadgeURL'] = ""; $config['badgeURL'] = ""; $config['userLikeEnable'] = true; // Enable user likes $config['newsCommandEnable'] = true; //Enable news commands $config['newsCommandFilter'] = true; //Enable wordfilter on news commands (the filter use the db tabels wordfilter and wordfilter_characters) $config['alertReferrer'] = true; $config['alert'] = 'BrainCMS Beta'; //Alert message. If you don't want a alert, you fill in 'nomessage' or you do leave it blank. $config['brainversion'] = '1.8.0'; // Please do not change. /* Facebook Login Settings You need a Facebook app for this to work go to */ $config['facebookLogin'] = false; //Enable the Facebook login (true) or disable it (false) $config['facebookAPPID'] = '334162590sdaf292528'; $config['facebookAPPSecret'] = 'ce2504ff5adsfa3ff7a6a2fa6d984cd8836'; /* Email Settings */ $email['mailServerHost'] = ''; $email['mailServerPort'] = 587; $email['SMTPSecure'] = 'TLS'; $email['mailUsername'] = ''; $email['mailPassword'] = '*****'; $email['mailLogo'] = ''; $email['mailTemplate'] = '/system/app/plugins/PHPmailer/temp/resetpassword.html'; /* Social settings */ $config['facebook'] = ''; $config['facebookEnable'] = false; $config['twitter'] = ''; $config['twitterEnable'] = false; /* Register Setting */ $config['startMotto'] = "Welkom in Brain!"; //Regsiter start motto $config['credits'] = "10000"; $config['duckets'] = "20000"; $config['diamonds'] = "10"; $config['diamondsRef'] = "10"; $config['registerEnable'] = true; /* Google recaptcha Site Key Go to this website to create a recaptcha Site Key: */ $config['recaptchaSiteKey'] = "6LdzewwUAAAAABkJ3vsdfCDca9qmLGDaWAHqMRtFEs2"; $config['recaptchaSiteKeyEnable'] = false; /* Buy VIP Settings */ $config['vipCost'] = "25"; $config['vipRankToGet'] = "3"; $config['vipBadge'] = "vip"; switch($config['hotelEmu']) { case "arcturus": $emuUse['user_wardrobe'] = 'users_wardrobe '; $emuUse['ip_last'] = 'ip_current'; $emuUse['respect'] = 'respects_received'; $emuUse['user_stats'] = 'users_settings'; $emuUse['user_stats_user_id'] = 'user_id'; $emuUse['OnlineTime'] = 'online_time'; break; case "plusemu": $emuUse['user_wardrobe'] = 'user_wardrobe '; $emuUse['ip_last'] = 'ip_last'; $emuUse['respect'] = 'Respect'; $emuUse['user_stats'] = 'user_stats'; $emuUse['user_stats_user_id'] = 'id'; $emuUse['OnlineTime'] = 'OnlineTime'; break; default: //Nothing break; } ?>
PHP: client.php
Alles anzeigen<?php staffCheck(); Game::sso('client'); Game::homeRoom(); ?> <html> </body> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> <title><?= $config['hotelName'] ?> - Game</title> <script src="/templates/brain/client/js/jquery-latest.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/templates/brain/client/js/jquery-ui.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/templates/brain/client/js/flashclient.js"></script> <script src="/templates/brain/client/js/flash_detect_min.js"></script> <script src="/templates/brain/client/js/client.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/templates/brain/client/css/client.css?v=5" type="text/css"> </head> <body> <?php if($hotel['onlineCounter'] == true) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(e) { $.ajaxSetup({ cache:true }); setInterval(function() { $('#onlinecount').load('/onlinecountclient'); }, 8000); $( "#onlinecount").click(function() { $('#onlinecount').load('/onlinecountclient'); }); }); </script> <div class="clientOnlineBox"> <div class="clientOnlineBoxTxt" id="onlinecount"><small><b><?= Game::usersOnline() ?></b> <?= $config['hotelName'] ?>'s online</small></div> <img src="/templates/brain/client/images/onlineiconclient.png" style="width:29px;height:28px;ht; */position: absolute;margin-left: 130px;margin-top: -19px;"> </div> <?php } ?> <center> <div id="client-ui"> <div class="client" id="client"></div> </div> <script> var Client = new SWFObject("<?= $hotel['swfFolderSwf'] ?>", "client", "100%", "100%", "10.0.0"); Client.addVariable("client.allow.cross.domain", "0"); Client.addVariable("client.notify.cross.domain", "1"); Client.addVariable("", "<?= $hotel['emuHost'] ?>"); Client.addVariable("", "<?= $hotel['emuPort'] ?>"); Client.addVariable("site.url", "<?= $config['hotelUrl'] ?>"); Client.addVariable("url.prefix", "<?= $config['hotelUrl'] ?>"); Client.addVariable("client.reload.url", "<?= $config['hotelUrl'] ?>/me"); Client.addVariable("client.fatal.error.url", "<?= $config['hotelUrl'] ?>/me"); Client.addVariable("client.connection.failed.url", "<?= $config['hotelUrl'] ?>/me"); Client.addVariable("external.override.texts.txt", "<?= $hotel['external_Texts_Override'] ?>"); Client.addVariable("external.override.variables.txt", "<?= $hotel['external_Variables_Override'] ?>"); Client.addVariable("external.variables.txt", "<?= $hotel['external_Variables'] ?>"); Client.addVariable("external.texts.txt", "<?= $hotel['external_Texts'] ?>"); Client.addVariable("external.figurepartlist.txt", "<?= $hotel['figuredata'] ?>"); Client.addVariable("", "<?= $hotel['figuremap'] ?>"); Client.addVariable("productdata.load.url", "<?= $hotel['productdata'] ?>"); Client.addVariable("furnidata.load.url", "<?= $hotel['furnidata'] ?>"); Client.addVariable("use.sso.ticket", "1"); Client.addVariable("sso.ticket", "<?= User::userData('auth_ticket') ?>"); Client.addVariable("processlog.enabled", "0"); Client.addVariable("client.starting", "<?= $config['hotelName'] ?> is loading..."); Client.addVariable("flash.client.url", "<?= $hotel['swfFolder'] ?>/"); Client.addVariable("flash.client.origin", "popup"); Client.addVariable("ads.domain", ""); Client.addVariable("diamonds.enabled", '<?= $hotel['diamonds.enabled'] ?>'); Client.addParam('base', '<?= $hotel['swfFolder'] ?>/'); Client.addParam('allowScriptAccess', 'always'); Client.addParam('wmode', "opaque"); Client.write('client'); FlashExternalInterface.signoutUrl = "<?= $config['hotelUrl'] ?>/logout"; </script> </center> </body> </html> </center> </div> </head>
Code: config.ini
Alles anzeigen## PlusEMU System Configuration File ## Must be edited for the server to work ## MySQL Configuration db.hostname= db.port=3306 db.username=root db.password= ## MySQL pooling setup (controls amount of connections) db.pool.minsize=10 db.pool.maxsize=250 ## Game TCP/IP Configuration game.tcp.bindip= game.tcp.port=30000 game.tcp.conlimit=100000 game.tcp.conperip=5 game.tcp.enablenagles=true ## RCON TCP/IP Configuration rcon.tcp.bindip= rcon.tcp.port=30001 rcon.tcp.allowedaddr=localhost; ## Client configuration client.maxrequests=300
Spoiler anzeigen
external_variables.txt die override var ist leer
Ich hoffe jemand von euch findet den Fehler.
Danke im vorraus,
David -
Das Video ist erste Klasse! Respekt