hdf spammer hab ich wohl
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Alles anzeigen<?php if (candidates > tsz) { DebugWrite("cannot use candidate list size of ^b" + candidates + "^n, Team(" + TN(smaller_team) + ") has only ^b" + tsz + "^n player" + ((tsz > 1) ? "s" : ""), 3); candidates = tsz; } // check that the candidates list size is bigger than if (candidates > needed) { needed = candidates; DebugWrite("^bwait_death^n is on, will flag " + needed + " candidate" + ((needed > 1) ? "s" : "") + " for moving", 3); } } DebugWrite("Building no-squad pool from ^bTeam(" + TN(bigger_team) + ")^n^0", 3); List<PlayerProfile> nosquad_pool = getNoSquadPlayers(bigger_team); DebugWrite("No-squad pool has ^b" + nosquad_pool.Count + "^n player/s^0", 3); DebugWrite("Building squad pool from ^bTeam(" + TN(bigger_team) + ")^n^0", 3); List<PlayerSquad> squad_pool = getNonEmptySquads(bigger_team); DebugWrite("Squad pool has ^b" + squad_pool.Count + "^n squads^0", 3); Dictionary<string, int>[] clan_stats = new Dictionary<string, int>[3]; clan_stats[smaller_team] = new Dictionary<string, int>(); clan_stats[bigger_team] = new Dictionary<string, int>(); clan_stats[neutral_team] = new Dictionary<string, int>(); if (keep_clans) { DebugWrite("Keeping clans in same team", 3); List<PlayerProfile> players_list = getPlayersProfile(""); /* collect statistics about clans */ DebugWrite("Collecting clan statistics", 3); getClanStatsByTeam(players_list, clan_stats); List<string> clanlist = new List<string>(); clanlist.AddRange(clan_stats[1].Keys); DebugWrite("^b" + clanlist.Count + "^n clans in server: [^b" + String.Join("^n], [^b", clanlist.ToArray()) + "^n]", 3); } if (!getBooleanVarValue("keep_squads_live")) { DebugWrite("^bkeep_squads_live^n is off, moving players to no-squad pool before balancing", 3); foreach (PlayerSquad squad in squad_pool) foreach (PlayerProfile player in squad.getMembers()) nosquad_pool.Add(player); squad_pool.Clear(); } /* sort the no-squad pool */ DebugWrite("Sorting the no-squad pool by ^b" + getStringVarValue("live_sort") + "^n^0", 3); nosquad_pool.Sort(new Comparison<PlayerProfile>(getPlayerSort("live_sort"))); for (int i = 0; i < nosquad_pool.Count; i++) DebugWrite(" " + i + ". " + nosquad_pool[i] + "(" + getSortFieldValueStr(nosquad_pool[i], "live_sort") + ")", 3); DebugWrite("Moving ^b" + needed + "^n players from sorted no-squad pool to ^bTeam(" + TN(smaller_team) + ")^n^0", 3); while (needed > 0 && nosquad_pool.Count > 0) { PlayerProfile player = nosquad_pool[0]; nosquad_pool.RemoveAt(0); string tag = player.getClanTag(); /* if keeping clans together, and there are more than two players in the clan in the sever */ if (keep_clans && shouldSkipClanPlayer(player, smaller_team, bigger_team, clan_stats)) continue; DebugWrite("Moving ^b" + player.ToString() + "^n to ^bTeam(^n" + TN(smaller_team) + ")^n^0", 3); if (movePlayer(player, smaller_team, 0, true)) needed--; } /* if teams are balanced, we are done */ if (needed == 0) { DebugWrite("Teams should now be balanced!", 3); return needed; } /* teams are not balanced, proceed on squad balancing */ DebugWrite("Teams are still unbalanced, " + needed + " more player/s needed", 3); /* sort the squad pool */ DebugWrite("Sorting the squad pool by ^b" + getStringVarValue("live_sort") + "^n^0", 3); squad_pool.Sort(new Comparison<PlayerSquad>(getSquadSort("live_sort"))); for (int i = 0; i < squad_pool.Count; i++) { DebugWrite(" " + i + ". " + squad_pool[i].ToString() + "(" + getSortFieldValueStr(squad_pool[i], "live_sort") + ")", 3); } DebugWrite("Moving squads from sorted squad pool to ^bTeam(" + TN(smaller_team) + ")^n^0", 3); while (needed > 0 && squad_pool.Count > 0) { PlayerSquad squad = squad_pool[0]; squad_pool.RemoveAt(0); int squad_sz = squad.getCount(); string squad_uid = squad.ToString(); string smaller_team_uid = "^bTeam(" + TN(smaller_team) + ")^n"; DebugWrite("^b" + needed + "^n players are needed on " + smaller_team_uid + "^0", 3); DebugWrite(squad_uid + " has ^b" + squad_sz + "^n player/s^0", 2); if (needed >= squad_sz) { if (keep_clans && shouldSkipClanSquad(squad, smaller_team, bigger_team, clan_stats)) continue; /* we can move the entrie squad */ DebugWrite("Moving entire " + squad_uid + " to " + smaller_team_uid + "^0", 3); squad_sz = moveSquad(squad, smaller_team, team_sz); needed -= squad_sz; } else { /* we have to break up a squad */ PlayerSquad temp_squad = new PlayerSquad(squad.getTeamId(), squad.getSquadId()); DebugWrite("Breaking up " + squad_uid + " to get ^b" + needed + "^n player/s^0", 3); DebugWrite("But, first I will sort the members of " + squad_uid, 3); squad.sortMembers(getPlayerSort("live_sort")); for (int i = 0; i < squad.getCount(); i++) DebugWrite(" " + i + ". " + squad.getMembers()[i] + "(" + getSortFieldValueStr(squad.getMembers()[i], "live_sort") + ")", 3); /* get as many players as needed */ while (needed > 0 && squad.getCount() > 0) { PlayerProfile player = squad.getMembers()[0]; squad.dropPlayer(player); if (keep_clans && shouldSkipClanPlayer(player, smaller_team, bigger_team, clan_stats)) continue; if (isInMoveWhiteList(player)) continue; temp_squad.addPlayer(player); DebugWrite("Player " + player + " selected to move to " + smaller_team_uid + "^0", 3); needed--; } /* move the temporary squad */ moveSquad(temp_squad, smaller_team, team_sz); } } ?>