[HILFE]News bild wird nicht ganz angezeigt.[HILFE]

  • Ich benutze das Re Starter CMS , den Index habe ich geändert und die me auch vom XLLUMINA Standart und ich benutze den Phoenix EMU 3.8.1 Beta

    If u dont know, dont talk.

  • Gib mir mal dein me.php Code #

    Hier : <body BGCOLOR="black">


    if($_GET['do'] == "RemoveFeedItem" && is_numeric($_GET['key'])){
    mysql_query("DELETE FROM cms_alerts WHERE userid = '".$my_id."' AND id = '".$_GET['key']."' ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());

    $pagename = $name;
    $pageid = "1";

    $messages = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cms_minimail WHERE receiver_id = '".$my_id."'") or $messages = 0;
    header("X-JSON: {\"totalMessages\":".$messages."}");


    $fetch_tags = mysql_query("SELECT tag,id FROM user_tags WHERE user_id = '".$my_id."' LIMIT 20") or die(mysql_error());
    $tags_num = mysql_num_rows($fetch_tags);

    $randomq[] = "Wat is je lievelings dier?";
    $randomq[] = "Hoe heet(te) je basisschool?";

    srand ((double) microtime() * 1000000);
    $chosen = rand(0,count($randomq)-1);

    $tag_question = $randomq[$chosen];

    $get_flashclient = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cms_settings WHERE variable = 'cms_flashclient' AND value = '1'");


    <div id="container" style="margin-top: 0px;" style="width: 700px;">
    <div id="content" style="position: relative" class="clearfix" style="width: 700px;">

    <div id="column1" class="column">

    <div class="habblet-container">
    <div id="new-personal-info" style=" width: 760px;background-image:url(./web-gallery/v2/images/personal_info/hotel_views/newsest_content.png)">

    <div id="enter-hotel">
    <div class="enter-hotel-btn">

    <div class="open enter-btn" style="margin-top: -12px;">
    <a href="client" target="_bank" onclick="openOrFocusHabbo(this); return false;" style="color:#fff; font-weight: bold;">Ins Hotel<i></i></a>


    <div id="habbo-plate" style="margin-top:-30px;">

    <a href="#"><img src="http://www.habbo.com/habbo-imaging/avatarimage?figure=<?php echo $myrow['look']; ?>"></a>


    <div style="margin-top: -133px;margin-left: 150px;">
    <b><font style="color: #fff;">Name:</b><br><?php echo $name; ?></font></div>

    <div style="margin-top: 19px;margin-left: 150px;">
    <b><font style="color: #fff;">Motto:</b><br> <?php echo HoloText($myrow['motto']); ?></font></div>

    <div style="margin-top: 13px;margin-left: 150px;">
    <b><font style="color: #fff;">Letzter Login:</b><br><?php echo date('d-M-y H:i:s', $myrow['last_online']); ?></font></div>

    <script type="text/javascript">
    new PurseHabblet();


    <div class="habblet-container " style="margin-top: 135px ;width: 770px;">
    <div class="cbb clearfix darkgray " style="padding: 10px;">
    <div id="redeem-habblet">

    <div class="redeem-balance">
    <p class="redeem-balance-text">Du hast</p>
    <p><span><b><?php echo $myrow['credits']; ?> Taler</b></span></p>

    <div class="redeem-balance">
    <p class="redeem-balance-text">Du hast</p>
    <p><span><b><?php echo $myrow['activity_points']; ?> Pixel</b></span></p>

    <div class="redeem-balance">
    <p class="redeem-balance-text">Du hast noch</p>
    <p><span><b><?php echo getHCdays($my_id); ?> HC Tage</b></span></p>

    <div class="redeem-balance">
    <p class="redeem-balance-text">Deine IP-Adresse</p>
    <p><span><b><?php echo $myrow['ip_last']; ?></b></span></p>

    <div class="redeem-balance">
    <p class="redeem-balance-text">Du bist auf dem</p>
    <p><span><b><?php echo $myrow['rank']; ?> Rang</b></span></p>

    <script type="text/javascript">
    new PurseHabblet();



    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $path; ?>/new/style/new/lightweightmepage.css" type="text/css" />

    <script src="<?php echo $path; ?>/new/JS/lightweightmepage.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

    $news1_3 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cms_news ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 5") or die(mysql_error());
    if(mysql_num_rows($news1_3) > 0){

    <div id="container">

    <div id="promo-box">
    <div id="promo-bullets"></div>

    $i = 0;
    $back = '1';
    while($news = mysql_fetch_assoc($news1_3)){

    <div class="promo-container" style="<?php if($i != '1'){ ?>display: none;<?php } ?>background-image: url(<?php echo $news['image']; ?>)">

    <div class="promo-content">
    <div class="title"><?php echo ($news['title']); ?></div>
    <div class="body"><?php echo ($news['longstory']); ?></div>

    <div class="enter-hotel-btn" style="margin-top: 195px;">
    <div class="open enter-btn">
    <a href="<?php echo $site.'/articles/'.$news['id']; ?>">Weiter lesen<i></i></a>

    <a href="http://www.facebook.com/pages/XLHotel/221488981209316" target="_blank" class="facebook-link"></a>
    <a href="https://twitter.com/#!/OffiziellXLHote" target="_blank" class="twitter-link"></a>

    if($back == '1'){
    $back = '2';
    } else if($back == '2') {
    $back = '3';
    } else if($back == '3') {
    $back = '4';
    } else if($back == '4') {
    $back = '5';
    } else {
    $back = '1';
    } } ?>

    <script type="text/javascript"> document.observe("dom:loaded", function() { PromoSlideShow.init(); });</script>
    <?php } ?>


    <script type="text/javascript">

    <?php require_once('./templates/community_footer.php'); ?>


    If u dont know, dont talk.

  • Ich glaube es liegt an dieser CSS Datei:
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $path; ?>/new/style/new/lightweightmepage.css" type="text/css" />

    Deine ist glaube ich nicht die gleiche von dieser xlumia.
    (Nur Vermutung)

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