[S] 6 Leute mit BO2 und XBOX

  • Hallo Leute,

    Suche 6 Leute die Lust haben, schnell Prestige, alle Diamantwaffen, geile Visitenkarten
    zu werden/bekommen.
    Suche aber nur 6 Leute mit BO2, sollten am besten Taktikeinstieg haben, aber nicht unbedingt

    Wir treffen uns dann bei Skype und jeder darf dann 1x boosten in FFA.
    30 Kills > geile Visitenkarten > schnell Prestige > schnell Diamantwaffen, da man 100 Headshots braucht.

    Wir sind momentan zu 2, also lasst das Flamen mit "EH EH NOOOB".

  • Auch ich habe eine Xbox mit Bo2 und einem Headset..
    Doch ich habe da so meine negativen Erfahrungen mit dem Boosten.
    Ich werde es mir überlegen.
    Kannst mich ja gerne als Freund hinzufügen (-:
    Gamertag: T3AM xMuffinx3

  • Wer da mitmacht wird sowieso gebannt/ zurückgesetzt

    copy of Treyarch's Code of Conduct:

    Any user who runs a modified version of game code or uses a modified game profile is subject to penalty.

    First offense: User will be permanently banned from playing the game online, will have their stats & emblems reset, and will be blocked permanently from appearing in leaderboards.
    Console users in possession of illegally acquired content will also be reported to console manufacturers. PC users on Steam will be reported to the Steam enforcement team.
    Unsupported Peripheral Devices & Applications
    Any user who utilizes an unsupported external hardware device or application to interact with the game is subject to penalty. Unsupported peripheral devices and applications include but are not limited to modded controllers, IP flooders and lag switches

    Minor offense: User will be temporarily banned from playing the game online, will have their stats & emblems reset and will have their leaderboard entries deleted.
    Extreme or repeat offenses: User will be permanently banned from playing the game online, will have their stats & emblems reset, and will be blocked permanently from appearing in leaderboards.
    Any user who colludes with another user to exploit the game for the purpose of gaining XP, prestige, game score, weapon level, or in-game unlock is subject to penalty. “

    This glitch will probably qualify as a minor offence, but for those that have repeated it multiple times to reach prestige level 10, expect to be banned!

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