Exception has been Saved

  • 26.05.2013 19:28:29: Error: MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException (0x80004005): Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. ---> System.TimeoutException: Ein Verbindungsversuch ist fehlgeschlagen, da die Gegenstelle nach einer bestimmten Zeitspanne nicht richtig reagiert hat, oder die hergestellte Verbindung war fehlerhaft, da der verbundene Host nicht reagiert hat ---> System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: Ein Verbindungsversuch ist fehlgeschlagen, da die Gegenstelle nach einer bestimmten Zeitspanne nicht richtig reagiert hat, oder die hergestellte Verbindung war fehlerhaft, da der verbundene Host nicht reagiert hat. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Ein Verbindungsversuch ist fehlgeschlagen, da die Gegenstelle nach einer bestimmten Zeitspanne nicht richtig reagiert hat, oder die hergestellte Verbindung war fehlerhaft, da der verbundene Host nicht reagiert hat
    at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)
    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)
    at MySql.Data.Common.MyNetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    at MySql.Data.Common.MyNetworkStream.HandleOrRethrowException(Exception e)
    at MySql.Data.Common.MyNetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
    at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.TimedStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
    at System.IO.BufferedStream.Read(Byte[] array, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
    at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlStream.ReadFully(Stream stream, Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
    at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlStream.LoadPacket()
    at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlStream.ReadPacket()
    at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.GetResult(Int32& affectedRow, Int64& insertedId)
    at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Driver.NextResult(Int32 statementId, Boolean force)
    at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader.NextResult()
    at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
    at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.ExceptionInterceptor.Throw(Exception exception)
    at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection.HandleTimeoutOrThreadAbort(Exception ex)
    at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
    at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand.ExecuteScalar()
    at ns0.Class6.method_1(String string_0)
    at ns0.Class38.method_11(UInt32 uint_1, UInt32 uint_2, String string_0, Boolean bool_0)
    at ns0.Class45.method_9(Class16 class16_0, Class40 class40_0, Int32 int_0, String string_0, Boolean bool_0, UInt32 uint_1)
    at ns0.Class45.method_6(Class16 class16_0, Int32 int_0, UInt32 uint_1, String string_0, Boolean bool_0, String string_1, String string_2, Boolean bool_1)
    at ns0.Class206.imethod_0(Class16 class16_0, Class18 class18_0)
    at ns0.Class16.method_13(Byte[]& byte_0)

    27.05.2013 18:06:17: Error: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
    at ns0.Class16.method_13(Byte[]& byte_0)

    27.05.2013 21:47:45: Error: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
    at ns0.Class16.method_13(Byte[]& byte_0)

    01.06.2013 16:41:17: Error: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
    at ns0.Class16.method_13(Byte[]& byte_0)

    01.06.2013 16:41:17: Error: System.OverflowException: Negating the minimum value of a twos complement number is invalid.
    at System.Math.AbsHelper(Int32 value)
    at ns0.GClass7.smethod_0(Int32 int_1)
    at ns0.GClass5.method_9(Int32 int_0)
    at ns0.Class11.method_16(Int32 int_25)
    at ns0.Class11.method_15(Boolean bool_17)
    at ns0.Class16.method_13(Byte[]& byte_0)

    01.06.2013 16:41:17: Error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at ns0.Class165.imethod_0(Class16 class16_0, Class18 class18_0)
    at ns0.Class16.method_13(Byte[]& byte_0)

    01.06.2013 16:41:17: Error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at ns0.Class182.imethod_0(Class16 class16_0, Class18 class18_0)
    at ns0.Class16.method_13(Byte[]& byte_0)

    01.06.2013 16:41:17: Error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at ns0.Class127.imethod_0(Class16 class16_0, Class18 class18_0)
    at ns0.Class16.method_13(Byte[]& byte_0)

    01.06.2013 16:41:17: Error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at ns0.Class304.imethod_0(Class16 class16_0, Class18 class18_0)
    at ns0.Class16.method_13(Byte[]& byte_0)

    01.06.2013 16:41:17: Error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at ns0.Class17.method_7()
    at ns0.Class17.method_5(UInt32 uint_0, String string_0)
    at ns0.Class224.imethod_0(Class16 class16_0, Class18 class18_0)
    at ns0.Class16.method_13(Byte[]& byte_0)

    01.06.2013 16:43:09: Error: System.OverflowException: Negating the minimum value of a twos complement number is invalid.
    at System.Math.AbsHelper(Int32 value)
    at ns0.GClass7.smethod_0(Int32 int_1)
    at ns0.GClass5.method_9(Int32 int_0)
    at ns0.Class11.method_16(Int32 int_25)
    at ns0.Class11.method_15(Boolean bool_17)
    at ns0.Class16.method_13(Byte[]& byte_0)

    01.06.2013 16:44:07: Error: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
    at ns0.Class16.method_13(Byte[]& byte_0)

    01.06.2013 16:44:40: Error: System.OverflowException: Negating the minimum value of a twos complement number is invalid.
    at System.Math.AbsHelper(Int32 value)
    at ns0.GClass7.smethod_0(Int32 int_1)
    at ns0.GClass5.method_9(Int32 int_0)
    at ns0.Class11.method_16(Int32 int_25)
    at ns0.Class11.method_15(Boolean bool_17)
    at ns0.Class16.method_13(Byte[]& byte_0)

    01.06.2013 16:44:40: Error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at ns0.Class165.imethod_0(Class16 class16_0, Class18 class18_0)
    at ns0.Class16.method_13(Byte[]& byte_0)

    01.06.2013 16:44:40: Error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at ns0.Class182.imethod_0(Class16 class16_0, Class18 class18_0)
    at ns0.Class16.method_13(Byte[]& byte_0)

    01.06.2013 16:44:40: Error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at ns0.Class127.imethod_0(Class16 class16_0, Class18 class18_0)
    at ns0.Class16.method_13(Byte[]& byte_0)

    01.06.2013 16:44:40: Error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at ns0.Class304.imethod_0(Class16 class16_0, Class18 class18_0)
    at ns0.Class16.method_13(Byte[]& byte_0)

    01.06.2013 16:45:23: Error: System.OverflowException: Negating the minimum value of a twos complement number is invalid.
    at System.Math.AbsHelper(Int32 value)
    at ns0.GClass7.smethod_0(Int32 int_1)
    at ns0.GClass5.method_9(Int32 int_0)
    at ns0.Class11.method_16(Int32 int_25)
    at ns0.Class11.method_15(Boolean bool_17)
    at ns0.Class16.method_13(Byte[]& byte_0)

    01.06.2013 16:45:23: Error: System.OverflowException: Negating the minimum value of a twos complement number is invalid.
    at System.Math.AbsHelper(Int32 value)
    at ns0.GClass7.smethod_0(Int32 int_1)
    at ns0.GClass5.method_9(Int32 int_0)
    at ns0.Class11.method_16(Int32 int_25)
    at ns0.Class11.method_15(Boolean bool_17)
    at ns0.Class16.method_13(Byte[]& byte_0)

    01.06.2013 16:45:43: Error: System.OverflowException: Negating the minimum value of a twos complement number is invalid.
    at System.Math.AbsHelper(Int32 value)
    at ns0.GClass7.smethod_0(Int32 int_1)
    at ns0.GClass5.method_9(Int32 int_0)
    at ns0.Class11.method_16(Int32 int_25)
    at ns0.Class11.method_15(Boolean bool_17)
    at ns0.Class16.method_13(Byte[]& byte_0)

    01.06.2013 16:45:43: Error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at ns0.Class165.imethod_0(Class16 class16_0, Class18 class18_0)
    at ns0.Class16.method_13(Byte[]& byte_0)

    01.06.2013 16:45:43: Error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at ns0.Class182.imethod_0(Class16 class16_0, Class18 class18_0)
    at ns0.Class16.method_13(Byte[]& byte_0)

    01.06.2013 16:45:43: Error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at ns0.Class127.imethod_0(Class16 class16_0, Class18 class18_0)
    at ns0.Class16.method_13(Byte[]& byte_0)

    01.06.2013 16:45:50: Error: System.OverflowException: Negating the minimum value of a twos complement number is invalid.
    at System.Math.AbsHelper(Int32 value)
    at ns0.GClass7.smethod_0(Int32 int_1)
    at ns0.GClass5.method_9(Int32 int_0)
    at ns0.Class11.method_16(Int32 int_25)
    at ns0.Class11.method_15(Boolean bool_17)
    at ns0.Class16.method_13(Byte[]& byte_0)

    01.06.2013 16:46:44: Error: System.OverflowException: Negating the minimum value of a twos complement number is invalid.
    at System.Math.AbsHelper(Int32 value)
    at ns0.GClass7.smethod_0(Int32 int_1)
    at ns0.GClass5.method_9(Int32 int_0)
    at ns0.Class11.method_16(Int32 int_25)
    at ns0.Class11.method_15(Boolean bool_17)
    at ns0.Class16.method_13(Byte[]& byte_0)

    01.06.2013 17:02:15: Error: System.OverflowException: Negating the minimum value of a twos complement number is invalid.
    at System.Math.AbsHelper(Int32 value)
    at ns0.GClass7.smethod_0(Int32 int_1)
    at ns0.GClass5.method_9(Int32 int_0)
    at ns0.Class11.method_16(Int32 int_25)
    at ns0.Class11.method_15(Boolean bool_17)
    at ns0.Class16.method_13(Byte[]& byte_0)

    01.06.2013 17:08:53: Error: System.OverflowException: Negating the minimum value of a twos complement number is invalid.
    at System.Math.AbsHelper(Int32 value)
    at ns0.GClass7.smethod_0(Int32 int_1)
    at ns0.GClass5.method_9(Int32 int_0)
    at ns0.Class11.method_16(Int32 int_25)
    at ns0.Class11.method_15(Boolean bool_17)
    at ns0.Class16.method_13(Byte[]& byte_0)

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