• <?php

    /* mCMS
    * A first CMS by Micki
    * -------------------------
    * Copyright (C) by Micki
    * Copyright reserved!
    header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
    require ('./inc/base.inc.php');
    require ('./inc/maintenance.inc.php');

    if(LOGGING_IN == true){
    header('location: '. $_CONFIG['website']['url'] .'/me.php');

    $error = '';
    $cloncheck = '';
    $clonchecktext = '';
    $ipban = '';

    $ip_check = dbSelectNumRows('*', 'users', "WHERE ip_last = '".$remoteip."'");
    if($ip_check >= $_CONFIG['register']['clone']){
    $cloncheck = 1;
    $clonchecktext = 'Achtung! Du stehst im Verdacht zu klonen und kannst dich somit nicht mehr registrieren. <br /><br /> IP: ' . $remoteip . '<br />Max erlaubte Accounts pro IP: ' . $_CONFIG['register']['clone'] . '<br /><br />Gefundene Accounts: ' . $ip_check->num_rows;

    $ipban_check = dbSelectNumRows('*', 'bans', "WHERE value = '".$remoteip."' and expire > '".time()."'");
    if($ipban_check > 0){
    $ipban = 1;

    $randfigure = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM cms_register ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 5");
    while ($row = $randfigure->fetch_array()) {
    $tpl->block_assign('regfigure', array(
    'ID'=> $row['id'],
    'FIGURE' => $row['figure']

    $username = (isset($_POST['registration_name'])) ? $filter->FilterText($_POST['registration_name']) : '';
    $email = (isset($_POST['registration_mail'])) ? $filter->FilterText($_POST['registration_mail']) : '';
    $password = (isset($_POST['registration_pass'])) ? $filter->FilterText($_POST['registration_pass']) : '';
    $password2 = (isset($_POST['registration_passw'])) ? $filter->FilterText($_POST['registration_passw']) : '';
    $geschlecht = (isset($_POST['registration_gender'])) ? $filter->FilterText($_POST['registration_gender']) : '';
    $brithday_day = (isset($_POST['registrationBean_day'])) ? $filter->FilterText($_POST['registrationBean_day']) : '';
    $brithday_month = (isset($_POST['registrationBean_month'])) ? $filter->FilterText($_POST['registrationBean_month']) : '';
    $brithday_year = (isset($_POST['registrationBean_year'])) ? $filter->FilterText($_POST['registrationBean_year']) : '';
    $figure = (isset($_POST['registration_figure'])) ? $filter->FilterText($_POST['registration_figure']) : '';

    if(empty($username) || empty($email) || empty($password) || empty($password2)) {
    $error = 1;
    } else if(!valid_username($username)){
    $error = 2;
    } else if(!valid_usernamePrefix($username)){
    $error = 2;
    } else if(strlen($username) < 3 || strlen($username) > 12){
    $error = 3;
    } else if(!username_exists($username)){
    $error = 4;
    } else if(!valid_email($email)){
    $error = 5;
    } else if(!email_exists($email)){
    $error = 6;
    } else if(strlen($password) < 6){
    $error = 7;
    } else if($password != $password2){
    $error = 8;
    } else if(!is_numeric($geschlecht)){
    $error = 9;
    } else if(!is_numeric($brithday_day) || !is_numeric($brithday_month) || !is_numeric($brithday_year)){
    $error = 10;
    } else {
    $reg_birthday = $brithday_day . "-" . $brithday_month . "-" . $brithday_year;
    $reg_password = $user->encode($password);
    if($geschlecht == 1){ $reg_gender = 'M'; } else { $reg_gender = 'F'; }

    if($_CONFIG['register']['vip'] == 1){
    $reg_vip = 1;
    $reg_viptime = 60*60*24*$_CONFIG['register']['viptime']+time();
    $reg_rank = 2;
    } else {
    $reg_vip = 0;
    $reg_viptime = 0;
    $reg_rank = 1;

    $ufigure = $_CONFIG['register']['figure'];
    } else {
    $ufigure = $figure;

    $form_data_users = array(
    'username' => $username,
    'real_name' => $_CONFIG['website']['name'],
    'password' => $reg_password,
    'mail' => $email,
    'rank' => $reg_rank,
    'credits' => $_CONFIG['register']['taler'],
    'vip_points' => $_CONFIG['register']['diamant'],
    'activity_points' => $_CONFIG['register']['pixel'],
    'look' => $ufigure,
    'gender' => $reg_gender,
    'motto' => $_CONFIG['register']['motto'],
    'account_created' => time(),
    'last_online' => time(),
    'online' => '0',
    'ip_last' => $remoteip,
    'ip_reg' => $remoteip,
    'home_room' => $_CONFIG['register']['home_room'],
    'newsletter' => '1',
    'birth' => $reg_birthday,
    'theme' => $_CONFIG['website']['template'],
    'vip' => $reg_vip,
    'vip_time' => $reg_viptime
    dbInsert('users', $form_data_users);

    $finduser = $mysqli->query("SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = '" . $username . "'");
    $userdata = $finduser->fetch_assoc();

    $v4mapped_prefix_hex = '00000000000000000000ffff';
    $v4mapped_prefix_bin = pack("H*", $v4mapped_prefix_hex);

    // Or more readable when using PHP >= 5.4
    # $v4mapped_prefix_bin = hex2bin($v4mapped_prefix_hex);

    // Parse
    $addr = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    $addr_bin = inet_pton($addr);
    if( $addr_bin === FALSE ) {
    // Unparsable? How did they connect?!?
    die('Invalid IP address');

    // Check prefix
    if( substr($addr_bin, 0, strlen($v4mapped_prefix_bin)) == $v4mapped_prefix_bin) {
    // Strip prefix
    $addr_bin = substr($addr_bin, strlen($v4mapped_prefix_bin));

    // Convert back to printable address in canonical form
    $addr = inet_ntop($addr_bin);
    $newuseralert = "$username hat sich gerade im Habbo registriert!";
    $core->MUS('sa', $newuseralert);

    $newuserwhisperalert = "Wir begrüßen ganz herzlich unseren neuen Spieler $username!";
    $core->MUS('whisperall', $newuserwhisperalert);

    $form_data_user_info = array(
    'user_id' => $userdata['id'],
    'reg_timestamp' => time()
    dbInsert('user_info', $form_data_user_info);

    $form_data_user_stats = array(
    'id' => $userdata['id']
    dbInsert('user_stats', $form_data_user_stats);

    $form_data_user_badges = array(
    'user_id' => $userdata['id'],
    'badge_id' => $_CONFIG['register']['badge'],
    'badge_slot' =>'0'
    dbInsert('user_badges', $form_data_user_badges);
    $_SESSION['id'] = $userdata['id'];
    header('location: '. $_CONFIG['website']['url'] .'/register/accept');

    'REGOPEN'=> $_CONFIG['register']['open'],
    'CLONCHECK'=> $cloncheck,
    'CLONCHECKTEXT' => $clonchecktext,
    'IPBAN'=> $ipban,
    'ERROR'=> $error,
    'USERNAME'=> $username,
    'EMAIL'=> $email,
    'GESCHLECHT' => $geschlecht,
    'BITHDAY'=> $brithday_day,
    'BITHMONTH'=> $brithday_month,
    'BITHYEAR'=> $brithday_year


    Hier sind die daten

  • Nach dem registrieren wird man auf die Seite "/register/accept" umgeleitet, tausch das mal mit "/me" aus.

    also "header('location: '. $_CONFIG['website']['url'] .'/register/accept');" zu "header('location: '. $_CONFIG['website']['url'] .'/me.php');"

  • Downloade dir in der Filebase das Centenary Content, lade die Datenbank hoch und suche da die Spalte "user_ownbadge" und füge sie in deine Datenbank ein.

    Desweiteren entfern in der Datei page_badgecreator.tpl.php unter lib/Standart dann einfach oben dieses Abfragemodul bei dme steht html_decoder oder encoder.php

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