| Unique features | FastFood, Jukeboxes, Groupforums... | Hiring!

  • Hi,
    I've finally launched I've created an hotel which actually have change to become one of the "major" hotels. I feel like every single hotel that opens nowdays, bad or great still shuts down and really doesn't give the big hotels any competition. I've put a lot of time into this hotel and I am very competetive. I will try to make a new hotel grow and make a large userbase.

    Aim: We want our hotel to always be uptodate, with the latest and most unique features. We will constantly keep our players maintained. We will offer some great quality and security.

    Info that nobody gives a sh*t about anyways: I am the technician (syr), and Ryzen is mainly working on the social part, support, hiring, events, you name it. We are running on an edit of Comet Emulator, mainly some small addons, commandsm edited pathfinder to make specific events working better but also the gamecenter coded. However, if you are any into emulators you know that Comet can handle huge amount of players and is extremely stable. And yes we are DDoS protected, if you don't believe me then try me .

    Some screenshots (may blow your mind):

    Everything is tested and works just like supposed to.

    I do highly appreciate suggestions & ideas.
    However, what are you waiting for? Join the fun.
    Update: Just added a SSL certificate.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Porcellian (23. Juni 2017 um 11:25)

  • The Fast Food emulator is developed by me and only me, better networking (netty), also counting wins, games, losses, points etc. Unlike any release. And snowstorm is finished when it comes to the emulator part, not the habbo.swf though as it has to be implemented.

    Also, note that this is Comet and no Fast Food emulator that has been released is adaptable to it, they are all obfuscated.

  • FastFood wurde releast auf RaGEZONE und SnowStorm ist leicht wieder zuholen, einfach Googeln danach kommen alte Packet Ids dies musst du nur mit den alten vergleichen Packets einbauen fertig. :D

    Genau wegen Menschen wie dir gibt es die Szene nicht mehr, wenns dir nicht passt zieh leine und kommentier nicht.


    Indeed, I really like this project. I also went into it and played some time.

    Nice community, the games are perfectly, just like the Habbo one.

    Keep that good work, dont waste it bro.

    Good luck!

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Sinn? Ich habe geschrieben, dass es alles schon gibt und du kommst so? Hast du keine Hobby's oder suchst du nach Internet Stress? Kleiner Internet-Gangster.

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